Onan 4000 microquiet problems

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New member
Aug 12, 2019
Having trouble cranking my 2004 Onan 4000 call now amps at the house battery or 12.7 good at the generator I'm only getting 11.7 when I hit the switch the amperage Falls to 5 to 9 range and slowly builds back up to 11. 7 or 11 .8 I can run a jumper wire ground to ground no change I can run a jumper wire power to power on the solenoid generator cranks fine when I checked the amps at the battery with a disconnected from the the battery m getting a  2.1 to three amps backfeed from the generator my question is where. Does the power lime go when it leaves the battery before it gets to the generator could it possibly be a resistor I'm new to RV I definitely new to generators any ideas would be greatly appreciated
I suspect you mean DC volts, not amps.  If so it sounds like you have a bad wiring connection somewhere. 
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