Onan Generator Will Not Start

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New member
Dec 3, 2012
Atlanta, GA

New to the board and have been looking around to see if I could find the same problem with no luck.  I have a 2011 Fuzion 5th Wheel with an Onan generator.  Model 5.5HGJAB-6755E  SN K1000171760.  The unit has 56.9 hours on it.  I had the oil changed by the dealer just after 25 hours (big mistake $$).  I started it every month and run it for about 20 mins.  While we were tailgating at a football game last month,  we had the generator running and everything was good.  We had the coffee maker and the microwave running plus a TV.  All of a sudden the generator shutdown.  I tried starting it but it wouldn't start.  When I returned home, I realized if I held the start button down it would continue to run.  It sounded good.  It would run for 30-45 seconds.  I tried this both with the breakers on and off.  Same situation.  I got the manual out and realized I could get codes from the generator that would advise of the error.  The error was fault code 32 which the manuals says is "Cranking speed less than 180 RPM for more than 2 seconds".  Says to check battery and battery connections or replace oil with correct viscosity.  Connections were good on the battery but I took it home and put it on a charger just in case.  Brought back a fully charged battery with the same situation.  Oil is good.  Fuel tank is at 1/2 tank.  What do I need to look at next.  Please tell me I don't have to go back to the "Stealer".
The on/off switch mounted on the generator on my ONAN generator is also a combination circuit breaker. Twice this switch has failed and my generator did exactly as you describe. I replaced the switch and the generator was OK. I now carry a spare switch. If your switch trips as soon as you take the pressure off it, try replacing the switch before you spend a lot of money at the shop.
An Onan will shut down under a variety of conditions. The most common ones are low oil pressure, no 120vac output, and lack of fuel pressure or 12v power.  The start button overrides the auto-shutdown, which is why it continues to run as long as you hold it down.  Too bad you did't check the code right after the first shutdown - that would have told you why it stopped. The code youa re seeing now is telling why its not starting, but that could be a separate issue from the original.

Now that you have charged the battery, does the fault code change?  Or go away? Also check the 12v wiring at the generator end - the battery may be charged buy voltage to the generator could still be low.

The fuel pump is electric, so low 12v power could cause a lack of fuel or fuel pressure. Another possibility is that there is a pinhole leak or crack in the fuel line, so that the fuel pump sucks air bubbles into the gas.

If you can't resolve the problem yourself,  go direct to a Onan shop rather than an RV dealer.
I talked to Cummins Onan today and they said it should all be under warranty.  I am going to contact an authorized dealer and have them repair at no charge.  Thanks for the help!
Glad you're getting a handle on it! I don't see anywhere where you specified what fuel this gen uses. However, since this is a 5th wheel, I'm guessing propane. If that's the case, you also didn't specify what the ambient air temp was when it failed. Small propane cylinders (40 lb or less) do not boil off well enough for the 5.5 Onans when they are half full or less in ambients of 30 F or less.
Hey,  Got the 5th wheel back from Cummins Power South (in Atlanta).  Genset had a broken belt which also destroyed the crank seal.  They replaced the belt,  seal and a hose clamp.  All was under warranty.  They also advised me that the belt on my unit has a lifetime warranty to the original owner.  They said they don't see this problem much but have come across it before.  I spoke to James and he was very helpful.  Would recommend them to others.  Thanks for all the help.  Unit is a gas unit and has its own fuel tank on the Fuzion.
Hey everyone. I'm matt. I have a 2012 42FT heartland road warrior with a gas powered Oman generator.  I ran it all the time and changed the oil and filter on it as instructed in the manual. It has just over 4400 hours on it. I haven't ran it since about August of 2012. I tried to start it yesterday (1/26/13) and it won't start. I pulled the plugs and checked them. Then bought new plugs. Still won't start. I put fresh gas in the tank. Disconnected the fuel line and ran the pump. It was shooting gas out good. So I connected the fuel line back up and tried again. Primed it and still will not start. The codes its showing are 36 and 37. I cants seem to figure this out. Please help!

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