onan quite diesel fuel filter

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Jan 11, 2010
lake havasu city
Hey everyone!
I am going to service my generator for the first time since I've owned the coach. It's been 1 year and I've only put on around 5k miles since I've had it.  I bought it used from a dealer. It's a 2003 Winnebago Ultimate Advantage with a Onan 7500 quite diesel gen. changing the oil and air filter looks to be very simple, but is there anything i need to know about the fuel filter before i change it? 
You need to read the manual about how to prime the fuel system after you change the filter.
Cummins and Camping World usually have the filters in stock.
It should prime from the gen start switch, hold it down to the OFF position for a couple mins and you will hear the pump run. Then push to start and hold down, it will do the same thing and then start cranking and start.
Use flare nut wrenches on the filter so you don?t strip them and end up needing vise grips. Have a small pan below and wear a short sleeve shirt so you don?t mind the fuel running down your arm?.. :mad:
It?s really not bad, but I do it last.

Since it's new to you don't forget to exercise the genset every month or so by running it under load for about 1/2 hr. It keeps the problems away when it comes to gensets.
The fuel filter is a real bugger to change out on the QD7500. Tucked up in a little opening underneath, with no room to get the two wrenches in and no way to see what you are doing once your hands are in the way. And probably fuel running down your arms as you try to hook it up.

After changing mine annually for a few years and cursing a lot each time, I decided to wait til I have a problem before doing it again. It's been three years and we run the genny quite a bit, so I'm probably on borrowed time!

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