Onan to Onan Swap

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2015
I am thinking about replacing my Emerald series 4000 with a Microquiet series 4000 for the reason of hopefully substantial noise reduction.

Looking for feedback (good or bad) from anyone who has done this.
I can't answer your question, but this reply will kick the post back to the top of the page.  Hope someone can help!
Personally I would not do it.
If you check I think you will find the new microquiet generators have been downgraded to splash technology for the oil. There is no oil pump.
Your older  generator has an oil pump.
I would also check for low oil cutoff there were rumors that that feature was to be dropped as well
I made the switch a month ago when my old Emerald shorted out the stator. The new ones are not quieter and depending on the size and layout of your generator compartment you may have to downsize to get a new one to fit.  All that said I'm happy with the new one and it is much easier to access for service in my rv . The splash vs pressure lube doesn't concern me other than I have to change oil more often. Engine is made by Subaru I have had very good service with those on construction equipment.  You will likely  need an adapter ~$30 to hook up to your existing remote start
darsben said:
Why did you change the Genny for a stator failure

The genny was 23 years old with 2600+ hours and putting $1000 parts and 16-20 hours of my time into it makes no sense to me.  It was always a PITA to service ,even an oil filter change required lowering the genny  from the under side with a floor jack. The new generator has everything serviceable right at the front cover.
Emerald series is a better generator, even if they are a little noisier. Not worth the cost if your emerald is working. Any of the direct drive generators are going to be a little louder because they run at a higher engine speed. If you want quiet, look at a belt driven generator, they run a lower engine speed and use a pulley setup to get the rotor speed what it needs to be. Problem is I don't know if there is a belt driven 4000. My 5500 is a belt driven generator and is pretty quiet, but a 5500 is a LOT more money. 
Charlie 5320 said:
Emerald series is a better generator, even if they are a little noisier. Not worth the cost if your emerald is working. Any of the direct drive generators are going to be a little louder because they run at a higher engine speed. If you want quiet, look at a belt driven generator, they run a lower engine speed and use a pulley setup to get the rotor speed what it needs to be. Problem is I don't know if there is a belt driven 4000. My 5500 is a belt driven generator and is pretty quiet, but a 5500 is a LOT more money.

As far as I can recall, ALL Emerald series generators were 1800 rpm generators.  And generally speaking, a lower rpm generator is a quieter one!
My experience with my swap has been the older Emerald was quieter on the exhaust note but mechanically noiser . The newer microquiet  has a better noise reducing case but the exhaust is not muffled as well. Of course this is mostly due to  running at 3600 rpm vs 1800 rpm. The micro-quiet is quieter and has less vibration inside the coach, but a louder exhaust note when outside.

We spent 8 days after hurricane Florence living with the generator running 24/7. My bed is directly above the generator and I could barely feel or hear it running.  However Outside I attached a 4' length of 1-5/8  pipe to the exhaust to carry the sound into an old car muffler so it wouldn't disturb our neighbors next door  at night (40-50' away)
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