To be completly honest most any cell phone other than the bargian basement "Free" phones will work, You may to buy a fifty dollar cable to connect the phone to a USB port on either your laptop or other computer, but most any phone now days has that cable as an option.
Go to (for example) to look at Nokia phones compatable with data cables
(Or substutite the phone maker of your choice)
I've used the internet with Nokia, and Ericcson (Before Sony merged) Digital phoens and a Motorola Analog phone, all worked very well. So the best advice I can give is go to the manafacture's web site for the phone
Note: There are basically 6 ways to connect a cell phone to a computer... 3 are common
1: Uncommon now days RS-232 Yes, the Ericcson I888 (Very old now) could accept RS-232)
2: PCMCIA special "Cellular Modem" how I did it with the museam grade Motorola (It's that old)
3: USB, Best, by far with modern computers
4: Bluetooth, Way too easy to Snark (hack)
5: I/R SLOW, very SLOW
I'd go with USB connect
Oh, an after thought (Added after posting so this is very literally a Post Post Script)
One phone I would not use is an LG, In your travels you may happen across a microwave, Made by Goldstar (Lucky Goldstar) where you open the door, put in your food, close the door and twist the knob. That's all, There is no START button, none, does not exist. If you open the door it shuts off but if you close the door again, before the timer runs out, it re-starts.
You do what many do, put the food in, twist the knob, and when the food is hot you take it out, forgetting to re-set the timer to zero,,, it sets the place on fire (At least the one they put in my office over my objections did just that, thankfully someone was quick with a fire extinguisher so the only damage was to the Microwave, the table it sits on and the wall behind it, bit of paint fixed up the wall, new table, new (SHARP) microwave)
I'd not put anythign made by Goldstar (LG) in my pocket