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Jan 22, 2012
Our first winter with our camper, Michigan
We store our camper in our unheated barn. Should we leave the camper windows open or closed?
We had an unusually warm day last weekend (hit 70+ with down pours of rain all weekend), I needed to get in the barn to grab a tool, and seen the camper was dripping wet in condensation on the outside. We had the windows in the camper closed. I checked the inside of the camper, all looked well (no condensation inside). My concern is in the exterior walls of the camper, and mold growing within them. Maybe we did to good of a job insulating the camper when we re-modeled it last spring. Any thoughts? Would having the windows open not have created such a condensation problem? 
I'd leave them closed, keeps the crawleys from crawling in via the window.

Would not hurt to visit the thing every once in a while though..... On my coach, First winter we took it out west.. On the way home (more or less) We stopped by Dayton ham vention and I picked up a couple of "Accessories" and installed them in the RV.

After that I visited it for at least an hour most every day, Winter and summer,  Still do only not it is not a visit any more... (It became my radio "Shack" if you call,,, Well you know what they cost,  a "Shack".
I typically store the RV out in the yard uncovered. During the summer I park it deeper in the back yard for shade. But come winter time I park it near the driveway so the sun has plenty of time of heating the RV. I still get days well below 0*F so those week I will go out and inspect the interior and if it feels damp I'll fire up the furnace and warm it up good. During this time I'll leave a few vents open about 1 inch.

Since I've got window cover on front and rear windows I've been known to leave a window open just slightly. This help with humidity control.
Gets a little cold in Northeast PA too.. We leave a top vent open an inch or so for ventilation, it has a vent cover it so nothing gets in. I also put a few of the containers with the crystals to absorb moisture. Usually check it often, jut go hang out, turn on the furnace. Sleep out once in a while.

It gets used all year.
I Store closed.  I think you should too alot of dust in a barn--especially if any wind drafts can get in.
Too easy to give it a good cleaning and air out in da spring.
The sweating, I don't get....Do you clear roof tins allowing sun in to possibly heat the outside like a greenhouse?
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