Our 6,000 mile summer 2012 trip documented

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John Canfield

Site Team
Aug 8, 2006
Texas Hill Country
I've been doing this ever summer starting with 2007 - it's fun to go back and see where we've been, parks that we've liked or didn't like, links to pictures of the parks (typically of our space) and the park's website.

For the map creation I use Microsoft Streets and Trips to create a route and then save it as a web page )I only use the map image S&T creates.)  The table is simply a table I created in Dreamweaver (web authoring software.)

Link here.
I have to tell you John that I am a little envious of you. I am looking forward to doing what you did last year. (Just a little envious) ;D
John, you drove through my home town via I-74, followed our route through western S.D., Wy, and down I-25 to I-70, past our home in Silverthorne. If we weren't headed for Alaska next summer, we'd invite you to stop for a visit. There's a pretty nice state RV park by Lake Dillon, via the Frisco east exit, which is the first exit west of Silverthorne.

We're hoping to do GNR in '14.

Very easy to watch (and full of great info and pics).

John, sometime when you've got the time, I'd really like to hear what you think of your solar system - specifically how well it does trying to keep up with your new RR and the normal electrical loads you encounter while boondocking. Do you think you're going to add additional panels or are you happy with what you've got?

Thanks for all of the nice comments!

Oldedit said:
..We're hoping to do GNR in '14.

We won't be doing the GNR this year (it's Marty's turn  :D), but hopefully in 2014

Kevin Means said:
Very easy to watch (and full of great info and pics).

John, sometime when you've got the time, I'd really like to hear what you think of your solar system - specifically how well it does trying to keep up with your new RR and the normal electrical loads you encounter while boondocking. Do you think you're going to add additional panels or are you happy with what you've got?


Thanks Kev!  I haven't boondocked with the setup yet, but I did turn off shore power about 9:30 one morning (the fridge was on and one overhead salon light) and checked the state of charge at 4:30p and the batteries were as far as I could tell, fully charged.  The real test of course would be an actual boondock experience over a 24 hour period.  I just might add that third panel this year.


Thanks for sharing your trip and the presentation was excellent and easy to understand. We are planning to take a cross-country trip this summer June-July from southern California to Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, western KY then back home. I am looking forward to taking the MH on this long trip and having a great time with the family. I'm not sure I can make my presentation as nice as yours but I will try. I may refer to your trip for some places that you stopped along our trip.

Thanks Dave and Josh!

Unfortunately I didn't document 2006 like this - that was the year we did Mt Rushmore and up into Alaska  :-[.  Still haven't done Yellowstone NP, maybe this year.  The further east you go, the more the campgrounds are covered in a tree canopy and are generally speaking older.  I really dislike going east anymore - I love the open spaces of the west (and generally the campgrounds are larger with more maneuvering room.) 

Don't know what your experience level is Josh, so forgive me if you are an old hand at RVing.  Pay attention to holiday weekends and make your reservations a month or two ahead of time for a destination RV park (if it has a playground for the kids and a lake/pond/etc and/or is in a tourist area then it's a destination park ;).)  Yellowstone - who knows, maybe a year ahead of time for a popular campground on a holiday weekend.  Here's a write-up I did a while ago detailing how we do our trip/route planning and campground selection.

Most of the campgrounds right off Interstate highways are generally not full assuming you plan on stopping by 3PM, however once you are in a very populated area, take no chances and call ahead while at your lunch stop - that's what we do.  Once in a while they will say "we're full" (a rarity) and we have the time and opportunity to look for another CG.

You'll have a great time - just don't try to do too many miles in a day, 350-400 miles max per day makes for a good time and nobody gets grumpy.
Oldedit said:
There's a pretty nice state RV park by Lake Dillon, via the Frisco east exit, which is the first exit west of Silverthorne.


We've stayed at the park while visiting our son. Very nice park great views of the lake. Our son lives about half way between the exit and the park.

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