Oven pilot light

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Feb 23, 2013
I have a wedge wood vision.  It is 6 years old and from day one the pilot light would light but once the temp was satisfied it would go out.  So last week I took it apart and replaced the Thermacouple knowing for sure it would fix it.  Well it did not fix it.  Is my next move to replace the entire oven control?
It has to work, there is nothing else that can go wrong with it providing you are getting gas to the stove. It the burners work then you are getting gas to the stove.
That is what I figured. They are simple.  I just knew it was the Thermacouple but I replaced it and fired it up and when it got hot off it went.  So I decided to bite the bullet and buy that piece. 
Pilot light???? I thought the oven was to store stuff! Never considered lighting it.... ;D

Funny... Even in my last RV (Dodge Jamboree) the valve had failed for the oven and it was typically used for storing the frying pan after breakfast or dinner. Now with the Jayco TT I've lit the oven a few times and let it run but never cooked anything in it yet. Still being used for storing the frying pans.  ::)

SeilerBird said:
It has to work, there is nothing else that can go wrong with it providing you are getting gas to the stove. It the burners work then you are getting gas to the stove.

That is so not true... But the odds of the other things being the problem are low.  Wedgewood/Attwood has a serious problem with those controls.
John From Detroit said:
That is so not true... But the odds of the other things being the problem are low.  Wedgewood/Attwood has a serious problem with those controls.
thanks John.  I hope the new control will correct it.  If not what are my other options. 
Tncatfanforever said:
thanks John.  I hope the new control will correct it.  If not what are my other options. 

Time for a new RV!! Mine has never stayed lit from day one, as little as I use the oven, I just light it when I need it the old way. Top pilot light for the burners works 99% of the time, but will go out when traveling sometimes and need lit. I adjusted it up as high as I dare and it stays on most of the time, although today with the wind blowing at about 50 MPH - it went out today and needed lit.

I would have to be using the oven a bunch to spend $55.00 to fix the pilot light!

We actually use it a lot.  I bake biscuits nearly every morning I camp to go along with my eggs bacon and gravy.
Tncatfanforever said:
We actually use it a lot.  I bake biscuits nearly every morning I camp to go along with my eggs bacon and gravy.

Good Southern Cooking right there!!!

Do these ovens have an Oxygen depletion sensor like Ventless gas logs?
If so it may need to be cleaned.  My gas logs at the house would do similar.  Used a toothpick to clean out the area where the pilot light comes out and it has worked great since.  Might be worth a try?

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