Over drive shuts off when brake pedal is pressed (again) Ford F53

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May 18, 2011
I still cant resolve this problem.  I have a 98 Catalina Coachmen, F53 chassis, E40D transmission, 460 engine.  When I press the brake pedal, even slightly, the overdrive "off" light comes on and the overdrive shifts out. Following some suggestions from this forum, I looked for worn/chaffed wires in the area of the brake pedal.  Everything looks fine.  I removed the brake switch itself and actuated the switch by hand and the problem persists.  So it "seems" coincident with the switch. (brake lights work normally). If anyone has a schematic, I am curious as to how current is getting to the overdrive through the brake pedal switch.  Sure would appreciate your help before I have to take it to the shop.


Covington GA
It might be worth a call to Ford Customer Assist to see if it is working as designed. It is usual for a touch of the brake to deactivate cruise control, so I wonder if in '98 Ford was considering OD to be like cruise?
JR, post your question over on the F53 forum of IRV2.  There are a couple of guys over there who have the necessary reference manuals for the F53 and are very willing and eager to help.
Gary RV Roamer said:
It might be worth a call to Ford Customer Assist to see if it is working as designed. It is usual for a touch of the brake to deactivate cruise control, so I wonder if in '98 Ford was considering OD to be like cruise?

The '97 F53 certainly doesn't work that way.  My '98 Ford Explorer doesn't work that way either.
Thanks for your thoughts guys, but I have had this class A for over a year and I have never noticed this happening.  I think it would have been obvious because the way it is acting now, I have to manually select overdrive "on" with the button once the motorhome is moving.  Not being in overdrive is pretty apparent. If it is a design feature, maybe my problem is the transmission NOT shifting back into overdrive.  Now Im really confused.  I'll try the other web site.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Years ago when dimmer switches and starter buttons were on the floor, overdrive transmissions used a sprag clutch which freewheeled when coasting. This added to fuel economy but provided no braking effect from the engine/transmission. Maybe what's old is new again. Or it could just be broken.......


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