I'm a single mom with 5 kids. I've always wanted to rv. It was our plan until my divorce 5 years ago. I gave up the idea because the thought of a single mom on the road with her kid seemed unlikely. Even my family advised me not to do it. So I gave it up. I recently decided to start looking into it again. I work from home and the kids school from home so there is nothing keeping us here. I believe I can do it. I'm not scared to get dirty if needed. I've been looking for months at MH in the 90's. I know they are old and will have issues but it seems to be about what I can afford and not break the bank. I'm not going to just jump on something. I've been looking for months and want to be sure it's something that will be in good condition and fit our family before I buy.
I have no idea what to look for when I go to see the MH. That's been the main reason I've not bought yet. I look and they look good but I don't want to buy a money pit without knowing it.
Where do I learn to drive one. I live south of Ft. Worth Texas is there anywhere around here to learn.
Where do I start. I've read and read most of this site. I've searched online and read what I could.
What should I look out for.
What advice do you have for me?
Am I crazy for this. My family is trying to tell me I am.
I have no idea what to look for when I go to see the MH. That's been the main reason I've not bought yet. I look and they look good but I don't want to buy a money pit without knowing it.
Where do I learn to drive one. I live south of Ft. Worth Texas is there anywhere around here to learn.
Where do I start. I've read and read most of this site. I've searched online and read what I could.
What should I look out for.
What advice do you have for me?
Am I crazy for this. My family is trying to tell me I am.