Paint peeling on Damon Daybreak propane tank

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New member
Apr 13, 2019
Hello Everyone,
Been a long time since I've been on the website so i'm seeing some old familiar names on here and a bunch of new ones.
Good to be back again!
Well I'm hoping someone might be able to help me figure out a issue i discovered on my 2007 Daybreak RV. I recently was doing some work on the bay door that hides the large on board propane tank and happened to see what looked like paint flakes. After getting a portable spotlight out i notice the whole top portion of the tanks paint is flaked or bubbling up on it. What the heck is going on?
I had a new water heater put in a couple years ago and the propane tank valve was in the open position but that shouldn't have caused an issue.
Anybody have an idea as to what night be the cause?

My next step might be trying to get hold of someone from Thor who now owns Damon as far as I know. i'd appreciate any info you members might have. Thanks
I personally wouldn't worry about it.  2007 unit, the propane tank goes through cold and warm cycles, sweats, you name it.  The paint originally on it was fair at best.  If it bothers you really bad, wire brush it off, sand a bit, go buy a qt of white rustoleum paint at Lowes, a disposable roller and brush, rubber gloves, and have at it.
Don't waste your time painting it. If the age of the tank is the same as the RV, it either needs to be recertified which will be good for 5 years I believe or buy a new tank.
Check the date of the tank.
LOL, it's a motorhome, Rene. Tank is a fixed mount, ASME type that does NOT require recertification.

Personally I'd wire brush and paint it, probably with a spray can if you can get at it ok.  I don't like to let rust run rampant, even though that tank is very thick and rugged.
Rene T said:
OOPS!!!!! :'( :'(

Right after that dog started smoking, You started saying OOPS :eek:.....Maybe you better get that dog to go cold turkey ;D ;D

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