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I started hiking into remote wilderness lakes without trail access. The last mile or so is cross-country off-trail. Fishing is usually hit or miss (mostly miss. The reason there is no trail is no fish, but sometimes the fishing is fantastic because no one goes there). But I get a nice hike in and see some great scenery most hikers never get to see. DW makes me carry a PLB and bear spray if I am alone. Just me, and 2-3 collapsible poles -- my fly rod and a couple of spinning rods.
I started hiking into remote wilderness lakes without trail access. The last mile or so is cross-country off-trail. Fishing is usually hit or miss (mostly miss. The reason there is no trail is no fish, but sometimes the fishing is fantastic because no one goes there). But I get a nice hike in and see some great scenery most hikers never get to see. DW makes me carry a PLB and bear spray if I am alone. Just me, and 2-3 collapsible poles -- my fly rod and a couple of spinning rods.
1- what is a PLB? 2- as a retiree form Fish & Wildlife, I can attest that there are no bears in NE California that are going to bother you unless you mess with a mama and her cubs.
Oh stories, here's one I like to tell. We live on a canal where we catch bass, crappie, white perch, yellow perch, channel cats and more. My neighbor had a thirty-six foot fishing boat that we use to fish offshore in the ocean with. On one trip offshore we came back with 6 blue-fin tuna...two limits. When we got back to my house my wife wanted photos so we went down to my boat dock on the canal with two fifty-something pound tuna. As we were taking the pictures a Bass Tracker boat came down the canal with a couple who had moved in a week before and had just gotten their boat in the water. My buddy said, Hey, hold your fish up." So we held the tuna up and the couple lit right up..."Wow, where did you catch those?" My normal answer to that question is, "In the lip!" However, this time I pointed to our 100 foot wide canal. Within a couple of days that story was all over the neighborhood...................

Gr8bawana, I really enjoy IPA but you have to be careful as it can cause gout problems so I drink it less and have other types in between. Best!
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