Pick up RV in the snow ?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2025
Clarington Ontario
Hi guys...I'm so torn. I'm scheduled to pick up my brand new Newmar on Thursday...dealer and myself are getting dumped on with snow this week. I want the RV home so I can plan a trip within the next couple weeks...and obviously am excited to finally get it. Is it that terrible to drive it on the snowy salty highway? Am I really going to harm it if I don't delay pickup? It's not a blizzard or ice but warmer out and tons of snow falling. This is my first RV as many of you know....what would you do??
Just my opinion, but no way would I pick up a new high dollar Newmar in the snow. I understand the excitement, the Newmar likely will drive fine, it's the other road warriors I would be concerned about. If it is all wet pavement, just the salt and brine, it's your choice, I likely wouldn't unless it was necessary.
Never pick up a vehicle of any sort in the rain, snow or night. You can't give it a complete body inspection.

Be excited, but fools rush in, if you know what I mean.
I'd wait for the roads to dry up. Not only will the salt water get all over the undercarriage it'll also make a mess of the exterior and large RVs aren't easy to get washed in the middle of winter. I would NOT take it to a truck wash, you don't want that brush thats been scrubbing salt/sand covered big rigs all day touching a brand new full body paint class A.
Granted that a truck wash has an undercarriage wash, but that salt/etc. is likely to cause long term damage underneath. When I had my rigs I did my best to avoid salty roads (or the manganese chloride that some places use) because of the bits of rust you'll pick up from each exposure and, as workinonit says, you'll never get it all out of the nooks and crannies under there.
I've driven my class A in the snow and while it performed predictably, it was moderately stressful. You don't have a great feel for any loss of traction and it gets exciting when you sense the steering no longer working or the arse end drifting. Slow and steady wins the race so just snow for some limited distance probably wouldn't dissuade me with sufficient cause but I consider salt a pretty big deal. Rain alone can cause enough corrosion problems as it is, but salt gets in there and never stops munching. Maybe in the great white north it's a lost cause and just part of the overhead of living there, but if I had a choice I would leave it sit until the roads cleared off and some of the salt washes away.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
That happened to me driving my car in a storm in northern maine. The road took a turn but I didn't. Days later me and a few friends dug it out (got plowed over), called a wrecker and hauled it out. Started right up, not a scratch on it. All the snow in the ditch was a soft landing. Nothing but bruised pride and a wrecker bill. Thinking an RV wouldn't fare so well being on it's side but might be OK depending how hard it landed that way.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Two reasons to wait for spring if the dealer will let you (Depending on when they inventory they might not).

One: See photo above of rig on it's side.. I This is a new rig and you have yet to learn it's habits You do not know how it will handle on other than clear drive roads.. DO NOT RISK IT. Now I'd not do this with a motor home but every time I get a "new" care first snow of the winter I find a test pad (Empty parking lot) and test it's slick road handling.. Been glad of that a few times.

Second. Even if you make it home safely SALT will damage it so you need to do an undercarriage wash

Easier to wait for spring.
Hi guys...I'm so torn. I'm scheduled to pick up my brand new Newmar on Thursday...dealer and myself are getting dumped on with snow this week. I want the RV home so I can plan a trip within the next couple weeks...and obviously am excited to finally get it. Is it that terrible to drive it on the snowy salty highway? Am I really going to harm it if I don't delay pickup? It's not a blizzard or ice but warmer out and tons of snow falling. This is my first RV as many of you know....what would you do??
If this is your first experience driving an RV in snow I would absolutely wait. Even if you are experienced... Why risk it?. Better to delay your planning for a day or two.

BTW. Congrats on your Newmar!
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