Moderator Emeritus
In an book review article in LEGAL AFFAIRS, June 2005, page 68 by Brendan I. Koerner were he discusses an article written by Patrick S. Ryan in the Virginia Journal of Law % Technology - It starts out with "Searching for wireless Internet connections is legal. Using then isn't." In article he says - ...given that cable modem or DSL service contracts usually forbid subscribers from sharing bandwith with strangers, it's technically illegal. And - Thats the case [illegal] whether the owner of the wireless network made a conscious decision to open his connection to all comers, or whether he doesn't realize that any passerby with a wireless card can leech off his bandwith.
A difference is made between actually making use of a connection or just browsing for a connection. It is even ok to publish such findings but not to make use of the bandwith.
None of this is my opinion - My only opinions are about the thieves and liars in governments.
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A difference is made between actually making use of a connection or just browsing for a connection. It is even ok to publish such findings but not to make use of the bandwith.
None of this is my opinion - My only opinions are about the thieves and liars in governments.
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