Pizza and a Wurlitzer

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA
Tim and I are in Apache Junction, AZ at a very nice RV park.  We like it so much we are trying to extend our stay; but that may not be possible.  They are full. 

Someone suggested we go to the "Organ Stop" pizza restaurant.  Things said were:  lots of fun, good music, organ comes out of the floor etc etc.  We were in Mesa at a Woodworkers Convention on Saturday and decided to get pizza at the Organ Stop.  Since it was just after 3 pm, we thought great, it won't be crowded and we'll take the extra pizza home for dinner.  Not true!

This place is amazing.  It's a large auditorium full of table, benches and chairs; it also is 2 story.  The first level was packed, so we ended up on the second level which was a pretty good viewing spot.  It was a blast.  This organ claims to be the biggest in the world with 6,000 pipes.  It was fantastic and we had a ball.  This Wurlitzer was built in 1927 and began it's life in Denver, Co.  It was then relocated, been refiubished and added on to.

So if you find yourself in Mesa, AZ and even if you don't like organ music it's still a great performance and average pizza; however, the beer was cold and good!

Pizza and a Wurlitzer, sounds like an answer to a Carnac the Great question.

6,000 pipes is a small one, not the largest, there are many that beat that one. The largest, by number of pipes is over 33,000, but it no longer operates. The largest operating pipe organ has over 28,000 pipes.

But still the same, it would be an awesome sounding organ for sure. By comparison the organ at Scotty's Castle in Death Valley has 1121 pipes.
About 35 years ago there was Organ Piper Pizza on Milwaukee's west side that was built around a pipe organ.  Their pizza was pretty good too :)  I see it's still in business.
Many years ago, I lived a couple of miles from the old Organ Stop Pizza, on Southern between Price and Alma School. Used to take my son and friends there a lot. We visited it again in late 2011, at the new location that you saw. Lots of fun. Here are some snapshots. (First one shows the organ rising to the stage.)


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I used to love to hear my first wife play the theater organ when we had access to one.  The things you could with the sound effects were wonderful!  I still love pipe organ music.
We used to have a few places like that in the Detroit Metro area,,  Alas, they did not last.

You are right, they were a lot of fun.  Plus, I like music.  It is so useful on occasion.
Currently in Gold Canyon and will be going there with friend later this week..... was told to go to 2nd floor for best view so you did well
Yep, the pizza is OK and the organ is great. It's always on our list. Second floor against the rail is our favorite spot. We generally plan to arrive 30 minutes before opening and stand in line to get our favorite spot.

Try San Tan Flats for a great steak while you're in the area. Evenings are crowded, real crowded but the food is great. Eat inside or out. Outside you can sit by the open fires, listen to live music and eat. Or make smores after dinner. All the supplies are there for the making.

We went last spring and loved the event. The pizza was just ok but the musical and visual experince was a hit!
Thanks Ken, I'll check out San Tan Flat; then someone else told us about an Italian place called Banno or Bonno's or something like that.  We'll know tomorrow if we can stay longer here in the park.  We also want to do the Apache Trail loop which is +/- 80 some mile and go to Tortilla Flats...and the ghost town and...and...and...

Marsha, another place to check out in Apache Junction is the Mining Camp Restaurant.

We were there in '77. We sat at long tables and were served family style. We were there with another couple and were all on the same side. Across for us was two more couples. The guy across from me looked very familiar but I couldn't put a name to the face. We all finished about the same time but the other two couples left before we did. As we were exiting the restaurant the other couples were just leaving the parking lot. License plate was "AZ-1" then the light bulb went on. That was Barry Goldwater and his wife with another couple.

Excellent food when we were there.
Another +1 for the AZ Opry........
Especially the Variety show performance .. far more diverse than any of their "individual feature shows"
George's instuments are quite the collection.
The Apache trail is a real unique  trip - 27 miles of gravel washboard with great views... And if you do it, continue towards Globe to visit the Cliff dwellings at Tonto national Monument....
I wonder if that organ was from the old Tabor Grand there in Denver. We moved to Denver in 1942 after coming back from the Islands, and I can remember going there a number of times.


If you haven't been to the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar, CA, I would suggest you do so. It is a collection of antiques that is beyond description. One item is a Wurlitzer Pipe Organ. A professional comes on occasion to play. No idea how many pipes are involved but it's a lot.

Check out their website for a brief description of what there is to see. 

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