Plan on 10 day shipping from American RV company

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2012
Saginaw, TX (north fort worth area)
I ordered twice from, and I order on Sunday, it's been here by Wed.  So I placed an order with American RV Company for some other RV parts.  The shipping said 3 days to Texas, it takes them four days just to ship it out the door!  So the three days is on top of that, if I didn't need the parts, it wouldn't be such a big deal.  But how one company can ship so fast, and another takes so long, is hard to understand.  I'm leaving as soon as I get this package.  All packed up ready to roll.  Had I known this was the case, I'd of spent the extra money and picked it up at Camping World on my way out of town.  :mad:

Just venting, I feel better now.  ;)
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