plugged drain - somewhere in holding tank area

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2016
I noticed today that when I turned on my sink water, I had water bubble up in the bath tub instead of going into the holding tank. This has happened twice before.

About 6 months ago the same thing happened and I ran a snake up through the gray water outlet (where the sewage leaves the trailer for proper disposal). It happened again 2 days ago. I ran a snake up there again and solved the problem. It happened again today.

Something must be in my tank that is clogging up the outlet for the water. How do I fix something like this. Will that Parinha enzyme stuff eat up whatever is in the tank if I buy some. Or could it be something else?

What do you think is going on and how do I fix it.  My patience will not tolerate a clogged drain every two days.

(I am pretty sure it is happening at the main tank and not in one of the exit pipes. The snake goes up the pipe about the same distance as the pipe is from the outlet)

This last time I unclogged it I noticed that the water came out sort of slow. Like a garden hose on low pressure. If the tank is full, shouldn't it come out with a little more force than that.
I tried to wiggle the snake around when the water first started to flow again but that did not seem to increase the flow.
First, what is your camper?  Year and model.

My wild guess is the gray tank is not draining.  If the snake goes ONLY as far as the tank, you may have a tank cut out that was dropped into the tank when the camper was made (yes, careless manufacture) and has moved to block the exit.  With a full tank of gray water holding it in place, it will be hard to move. 
IF it is a new camper, take it back to the dealer and let him fix it.

You should be able to run a 25 ft or 50 ft snake completely into the tank.  It should easily go up the drain, into the tank, and additional length should just coil up inside.

Small, inexpensive  endoscopes that work with a laptop or smart phone will allow you to "take a look" at the blockage.  Here is one source.

Good Luck!
It is a 26 foot, 1996 Nomad travel trailer.

I will see about running the snake all the way in. I only went until I removed the blockage and then quit. I got to do it again anyway, so this time I will run it in. I have a 25 foot snake.


thanks for helping
There is a very old thread here. not the gray but the black tank. the builders when they cut the hole in the floor just dropped the wood into the tank... THe owner fished it out (Do not ask I'm not him) and mailed the two wood half circles to the company CEO.

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