pmt of sales tax on personal sales in Arizona

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New member
Sep 10, 2018
Two-part question:
1.  I've heard, but am having trouble verifying, that in Arizona, one does NOT pay sales tax on purchase of boat or rv from an individual (I assume this means you don't pay it to them NOR to the state when you go to license)
2.  If #1 is indeed true, does that extend to things like ATVs, dunebuggies, golfcarts
Yup. in Indiana, you pay tax when you register it (if it was a private sale).  You pay whatever the sale price is recorded on the title. If title does not have a sale price 'box', get a Bill of Sale, available online as well.  Lord only knows what they'll charge you if not.
Re AZ, having bought several vehicles from private parties I can confirm you still pay the tax  :(
When I bought my last RV it was from a private party.  I paid no sales tax and had no problem registering it.  When I bought my current RV it was from a consignment dealer and I had to pay sales tax.
Where you buy it rarely changes the amount of tax - just who collects it. I don't know of any state where a private seller has to collect whatever tax is due, but the state always gets it share in the end.
I was an Arizona resident and having purchased used vehicles from private parties, it is true you will owe tax, not to the seller, but to AZ when you register said vehicle.
I did some checking and it is not as black and white as I thought. Arizona's laws are confusing. The OP might want to contact the Arizona DMV for a better answer.
Always get a bill of sale with the amount paid on it, and have it signed and dated by the seller. I just went through this last year in Illinois. When I registered my coach they asked what I paid, I told them, and a few weeks later I get in the mail where I owed another $600.00 in sales tax. They claimed that I didn't disclose the correct selling price, so they went off of blue book price. It was a good thing that I did have a bill of sale with the date and amount paid, signed by the seller. The state even went off of high retail for selling price for figuring sales tax.
Here in NY, people sometimes request the buyer give them a bill of sale showing a lower price than they actually paid, in order to pay lower taxes.  If it looks TOO low, NY will use the Blue Book value.  You can also avoid the sales tax if you claim it is a GIFT, but you need to prove it came from a close family member.  Your cousin's sister-in-law's boyfriend isn't gonna give you a car as a gift.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Here in NY, people sometimes request the buyer give them a bill of sale showing a lower price than they actually paid, in order to pay lower taxes.  If it looks TOO low, NY will use the Blue Book value.  You can also avoid the sales tax if you claim it is a GIFT, but you need to prove it came from a close family member.  Your cousin's sister-in-law's boyfriend isn't gonna give you a car as a gift.
That's everywhere, lol.  In my youth, maybe did it  :-\.
Today, well, it's fraud, stealing, cheating, and if everyone did it, then what?  I try and make an effort and do the right thing, I fail often.  I'm not where I want to be, but not where I use to be either  :))
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Here in NY, people sometimes request the buyer give them a bill of sale showing a lower price than they actually paid, in order to pay lower taxes.  If it looks TOO low, NY will use the Blue Book value.  You can also avoid the sales tax if you claim it is a GIFT, but you need to prove it came from a close family member.  Your cousin's sister-in-law's boyfriend isn't gonna give you a car as a gift.

I also had a copy of the cashiers check with the same amount as the bill of sale. They told me the copy of the check was no good with out the bill of sale signed by the PO.

To be honest I was thinking about telling them a lower price when I registered it, sure glad I was truthful to begin with. 
I purchased a few vehicles this year, if from a private owner, no sales tax. The  rv I bought from a dealer, paid sales tax. I even bought a car from a private owner in California, drove it to Az and no sales tax on a private owner transfer.

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