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Her- "I don't know how safe it is to be traveling around in the RV with everything that's going on."

Me- "It'll be fine. If things get dicey, we have 2 cats to use as peace offerings."
I was just reading a "Paranormal mystery" Woman "Portals" to Las vegas where she comes across 4 (I will borrow a term from a science fiction book) Thug Uglies pressing the issue with a frightened young lady.. She challenges them and they come over to tell her why she should "Mind her own business" only 2 of them make it and that's down to one with 4 more show up to back their brothers.. She takes out 3 and a black cat shows up and ... She cleans out their wallets. Takes a phone off one of 'em and calls a ride and they ride off into the Sunrise (That's chapter 1)
(Oh.. She was a very well trained fighter).
Saw that on facebook
You take the shells and spread them on the floor. then when the burglar comes in barefoot so he won't make any noise. OW OW OW (Shout out to movie Home Alone)
Take the 9mm and wack him good
Then clamp some sensitive parts I won't mention.
(In fairness there are several parts you could clamp)
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