Power cord

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New member
Feb 18, 2013
I'm new to the form. love what i see so far.  I do have a ? tho, i have a 5500 watt gen,my ? is will a power cord rated at 3750 watt work with it??
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The easy answer is that it depends on how much power you will draw from that 5500 watt gen.  The issue could be trying to start something like an AC unit that may take 3X the rated wattage draw on start up.  Usually you would want a cord that is rated well above the expected load to handle a start up situation like that.
Welcome to The RV Forum!

What are you trying to power with that cord?  If it's a 30 amp RV, it has a 30 amp circuit breaker in it's power panel so it will never draw more than that and the cord is fine.

Of more concern is the generator's voltage.  RVs use 120 volts - you do not want to plug into a 240 volt generator.
I'd be more concerned about my neighbors starting my camper on fire (due to the noise from that 5500W genset) than the power cord causing an issue  ;D.

At any rate, as others have stated, you can plug your camper's 30A power cord into that genset without issue. You will probably need an adapter to do so though.

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