Power Gear Hydraulic Jacks - 2009 Destination - Where's the power

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2010
Searched and not help.

2009 Winnebago Destination 37G. Power Gear hydraulic jacks with spring return.  The switch panel (not the Control Board) shows a low voltage alert and the system does not work. Chassis batteries with engine running has 13.8vdc. According to all diagrams I have found, power goes to the solenoid and then to the Control Board and then back to the switch panel. No breakers, relays or any other interruption in the power circuit shown. Is to be a cable #4 or better, from the chassis batteries to the solenoid. Cable is to be marked with blue tape. Winnebago diagrams does show where the cable to the solenoid - located front right - appears to hit (connect) to an isolated stud on the front of the front left electrical cabinet. There is connects to the chassis batteries in the rear.

Troubleshooting - Confirm 13.8vdc at solenoid at the solenoid with Chassis Battery switch in the "on" position. Confirm 13.8vdc at the solenoid with the engine running, and confirm 13.8vdc at the chassis battery.
Confirm 0 vdc when the switch panel is activated. Confirm, removing fuse from the wire to the Control Board and voltage goes to 13.8vdc.

When a load (Switch Panel activation) is placed on the solenoid the supply voltage goes to 0 (zero).

I cannot find the other end of the wire (#4 cable) that goes to the solenoid. Placing a tone on the cable, I can hear the tone at a multi connector on the front of the left front electrical cabinet. However, this connector is all #12 wires and nothing in the front left electrical cabinet is a #4, let alone marked with a blue tag.

I am now down to "running" the wire physically from the solenoid to find the connection point - I am hoping that someone else can provide details on this. Winnebago Technical Support has been great through email and by phone, but they state that it should be as drawn.

TIA - not looking forward to crawling undernath in the gravel -

edit by staff - changed message icon to topic solved
Not sure but I think the controller is attached to the left frame rail about half way between front and rear tires. Look under there.

A little tip, find a fairly large cardboard box,  flatten it and use it to slide under the coach.  It's much easier on the back. I carry a piece of cardboard in my coach just for this.
Not sure about yours, but on our 2008 Journey, you can gain access to the pump motor by removing the indoor steps. Feel under the front edge of each step. Ours has one bolt (unseen) to remove, then the step top will lift off, exposing the pump tank and motor. Also there is a inline fuse to same, not far from the motor.
Well it is fixed. A $25 Harbor Freight toner and chaser is what helped the most. That isolated connection for the pump is located outside the left rear cabinet and not the outside of the left front cabinet. It is located right above the muffler, and where the Motor Home is sitting it was near impossible to get there. One arm, I could just get the wrench on the nut and tighten it more than 1/4 inch. Good and snug now and the jacks work perfectly. Maybe in the "future" and the Motor Home is parked in a more level condition, I'll get under there and put a lock washer on it.
mickey53usa said:
...., I'll get under there and put a lock washer on it.
I would use a medium strength thread locker, I think they work better than lock washers in many situations.

A tone tracer is a very handy tool, I always keep one on the coach.
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