Power Gear jack seals

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Oct 28, 2012
The Power Gear leveling system on my 2000 Holiday Rambler Endeavor has developed a leak on one of the front jacks. Not much, I can keep up with it by adding a squirt of fluid after 3-4 extensions but sooner or later (sooner?) I will have to replace the seal. It's 12 years old and not used much (maybe  that's the problem?) so it's not unexpected. Can the seal be replaced on the motorhome or does the jack have to be removed? There is a good hydraulic shop in town that could do the job if I take it to them but I don't want to have to deal with that beast.
Comments please
Mine were rebuilt but to take them apart they have to come off.
Get a heavy duty truck shop to remove & reinstall the jack for you. They should know how to cap off the hydraulic line and unbolt the jack from the chassis. Then take it to the hydraulic shop for a rebuild.

Reinstalling the jack is straight-forward because the system is self-bleeding. Just hook up  the hydraulic line an cycle the jacks a couple times, then top off the fluid reservoir.
Thanks for the advice. I know just where to take it. They love to see motorhomes come in because they see dollar signs coming through the door but they do good work. The last time I was there I backed into one of their pickup trucks but I guess they'll let me back on the lot. I guess the seals are pretty standard and the hydraulic shop can figure it out.
Thanks again. The forum is a great help. One of the discussions got me back to using a fuel additive again. Another subject for another time.
What you said "Where to take it"  A couple days ago as I was returning to the RV after my daily "hike" a worker from Twin Lakes RV  stopped and ask for directions to a specific site.. I pointed out the rig and gave him the path.. Friends of ours as it turns out.

Road over on my bicycle to say hi to said friend.. The guy from Twin Lakes said "We like him, He keeps the babies in diapers, and so on...

Yup you see... these friends tow a too heavy for their motot home to tow car ON A TRAILER making it heavier still, when they made the turn they bottomed out and tore up the jack on the trailer.. That was last year.. This year they took the alternate route where that does not happen

So he backed into a tree.

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