As the old saying goes...It's always the last thing checked that is the problem. The other day one of my computer gadgets was not working properly. After spending way too much time checking all plugs, connections, and other do-dads I gave up. The next day I found that the USB ac/dc converter was bad. Never in a million years would I have checked that first. I guess we need to make sure that the solution to a problem is number one or two on the troubleshooting list, huh?
I have had that happen and tried that solution. It didn't fix the problem.
Foto-n-T said:As my first flight instructor told me many years ago, "If you're flying along all fat dumb and happy and all of a sudden the big fan in front of you stops, undo whatever it was that you just did and it will more than likely fix the problem." DUH!!!
I have had that happen and tried that solution. It didn't fix the problem.