Pre-purchase Inspection

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Nov 8, 2012
I'm sure I missed it, if so please guide me to the answer. I was unable to find anything on a third party pre-purchase inspection service. Is this a good idea, what should it cost, what should it include?????? Any input will be much appreciated
There really isn't a service. You just need to find a competent RV mechanic to look everything over. Try a mobile mechanic listed in Craigslist or take it to a Camping World type RV repair shop.
as  SeilerBird stated, there really is no service for pre purchase.
that stated, there are pre purchase checklists available for different types of rv's on the internet and particularly on the irv2 forum .
We have checklists in our forum Library (button in the toolbar above).
I have done a few. I charge $350 and you get a detailed report and photos of what you need to see.
OK, now I'm really confused. I'm in the St. Louis area, not that I think it would make a difference but I Googled "motorhome pre-purchase inspection" and lots show up. The price range is all over the place depending on the depth of the inspection. Are these services a scam??????????????
LnG said:
OK, now I'm really confused. I'm in the St. Louis area, not that I think it would make a difference but I Googled "motorhome pre-purchase inspection" and lots show up. The price range is all over the place depending on the depth of the inspection. Are these services a scam??????????????
I have no idea if they are a scam. My instructions were to go to Craigslist and hire a mobile mechanic. Very small chance of that being a scam if you do that.
Whatever you end up doing, you will have to check out whoever you are considering.
In my area, there are a few mobile rv mechanics, one man operations with references, who perform this sevice.
Too far away for you, but you get the idea....
I had the guy that run a good RV repair shop to inspect my second one.  He pointed out the items needing fixed, I bought it, he did the work and I never had any problem with the items he fixed.  I had other issues, with wandering but nothing he had repaired.

The third we bought, took it back to the same guy, he had it forever.  He takes on to much work, and it even got broken into while there.  It aggravated me but not one bit of the work he has done has been a problem.  The only issue I see with him is taking on more work then he can do. 

I bought the second through PPL and would recommend them and the inspection guy, they are in Houston.

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