Hi. I am joining this forum because I have been considering live-aboard RVing for about 2 years, and I am more than confident now that this is a step I want to take.
My lifestyle and "real" job require me to move from place to place, usually on a schedule. I am an artist, and sell my work in various galleries. The pay is not exactly "grand" but it is steady. I do sculpture work in bronze, and need to go out to the foundaries I employ to do my casting to have more of a hand in the making of my art. I also want more freedom to visit and maintain my gallery connections.
I wanted to find a "fixer-upper" 5th wheel or pull behind trailor that I could gut, and furnish as I wanted.
My main concerns are "internet" access (for skyping and blogging), RV parks, truck stops, rest stops, and other places to park. I am also concerned about what kind of truck I need, and if it is a good idea to have a little car as well, or should I just drop the trailer and get around in the truck. I also would consider a SUV and pull behind trailor.
I do not want or need a "huge" or expensive set up.
One thing I do not want is to be stuck at some job that needs my physical presence. I am done with that.
So thanks in advance to anyone willing to talk to me about starting this new life as a full time RVer!
My lifestyle and "real" job require me to move from place to place, usually on a schedule. I am an artist, and sell my work in various galleries. The pay is not exactly "grand" but it is steady. I do sculpture work in bronze, and need to go out to the foundaries I employ to do my casting to have more of a hand in the making of my art. I also want more freedom to visit and maintain my gallery connections.
I wanted to find a "fixer-upper" 5th wheel or pull behind trailor that I could gut, and furnish as I wanted.
My main concerns are "internet" access (for skyping and blogging), RV parks, truck stops, rest stops, and other places to park. I am also concerned about what kind of truck I need, and if it is a good idea to have a little car as well, or should I just drop the trailer and get around in the truck. I also would consider a SUV and pull behind trailor.
I do not want or need a "huge" or expensive set up.
One thing I do not want is to be stuck at some job that needs my physical presence. I am done with that.
So thanks in advance to anyone willing to talk to me about starting this new life as a full time RVer!