Preparing to full time RV (or at least hoping to)

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New member
Mar 1, 2013
Hi. I am joining this forum because I have been considering live-aboard RVing for about 2 years, and I am more than confident now that this is a step I want to take.

My lifestyle and "real" job require me to move from place to place, usually on a schedule.  I am an artist, and sell my work in various galleries. The pay is not exactly "grand" but it is steady. I do sculpture work in bronze, and need to go out to the foundaries I employ to do my casting to have more of a hand in the making of my art. I also want more freedom to visit and maintain my gallery connections.

I wanted to find a "fixer-upper" 5th wheel or pull behind trailor that I could gut, and furnish as I wanted.

My main concerns are "internet" access (for skyping and blogging), RV parks, truck stops, rest stops, and other places to park. I am also concerned about what kind of truck I need, and if it is a good idea to have a little car as well, or should I just drop the trailer and get around in the truck. I also would consider a SUV and pull behind trailor.

I do not want or need a "huge" or expensive set up.

One thing I do not want is to be stuck at some job that needs my physical presence. I am done with that.

So thanks in advance to anyone willing to talk to me about starting this new life as a full time RVer!

May want to consider a motorhome, and towing a small car behind. Looking at which will work the best for you. Good luck.
Hi Gitabrd, and welcome. Your questions are pretty typical and it's really a matter of personal preference and the size of your pocketbook on how you should proceed. If you already own a suitable pickup, a used 5th wheel or travel trailer (TT) probably makes the most sense (from a financial perspective). If you have to buy a pickup and a 5th wheel or TT, the cost could easily rival or exceed that of a used Class A or Class C motorhome.

Obviously, one of your basic goals is to have a home to stay in, (where ever you are), and a vehicle to get around in once you're there. If you're going to go the pickup, 5th wheel or TT route, do your research on which vehicles are suitable for towing whatever sized RV you'll be towing. Don't take the word of an RV dealer. Some of them would tell you a Chevy Luv is okay to tow the trailer they're trying to sell you. If you're considering a motorhome, almost all of them are able to tow a small vehicle, and others can tow up to 15,000 lbs, but you'll need a tow-bar and an auxiliary brake system for the towed vehicle. Some states don't require an auxiliary brake system for towed vehicles but, in my opinion, they should be mandatory.

You've come to the right place. Good luck as you do your research.

Welcome to the forum.
Please ask questions and for us that don't know
the awnsers like me please post pictures!!  ::)
Any question feel free to post or do a search also.
But Gita you have to post picture and all.. ;)
It has been awhile since joining, but I am still very big into this idea. I am looking at the idea of a truck and truck camper now. It seems that you can go more places in a faster amount of time and for less money.

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