This is a timley thread for me as I am ready to purchase new tires for the Bounder.? The old girl came with michelins and for us inexperienced RVers, who see the tire commercials and hype on TV, we might think we were doing the best thing by going with the "Big Name" Michelin.? I'll shop load rating as well as price now when I start looking in earnest.? The discussion thus far has kindled a question that I've had for some time concerning tire pressure? I understand the relationship, and associated risks, between underinflated tires and loading/overloading.? i.e. as the load goes up, the inflation pressure should go up, not to exceed that rated for that tire in it's mounted position (with all other weight ratings associated with the subject vehicle being adhered to).? Now my question is this.? What is the down side (danger, folly, etc...) to holding your tire pressure at, or near, the MAX rated for that tire, if/when you know you haven't overloaded the vehicle itself?? Is it tire wear, comfort in ride, or worse?? I doubt that I will weigh my vehicle before each and every trip and I can assure you I couldn't load it the same each trip if I tried. Do I adjust tire pressure each time or leave it alone?? I'm not trying to be wise, just wisened.? As I've alrteady said, I am learnig a lot from reading these discussions every day.? Your advice here may prevent you from having to stop and help me along the road somewhere someday. livin' N learnin', Lou? ? ? ? ? ?