problems with my Rexhall

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Aug 21, 2011
Buddy, run, run, run from ever thinking about buying one of these units.  I bought a new 07 Rose Air and have had to spend more that 50K in just making it usable for the road.  This company will not stand behind their product, in fact they filed for bankruptcy just to avoid a lemon lawsuit and didn't want to pay their suppliers.  Nothing in their coach will stand up to the road and their full body paint almost falls off if you go by it to fast.  Don't buy, that's all I can say you'd be wasting you money.
I saw a slick looking Rexhall T-Rex a couple weeks ago - two full wall slides and aerodynamic styling.  The paint hadn't fallen off it either, but maybe I wasn't going by fast enough.
lee0166 said:
Buddy, run, run, run from ever thinking about buying one of these units.  I bought a new 07 Rose Air and have had to spend more that 50K in just making it usable for the road.  This company will not stand behind their product, in fact they filed for bankruptcy just to avoid a lemon lawsuit and didn't want to pay their suppliers.  Nothing in their coach will stand up to the road and their full body paint almost falls off if you go by it to fast.  Don't buy, that's all I can say you'd be wasting you money.
many people had brand new Toyota's that tried to kill them. Does that also mean you should never buy a Toyota??
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I have an 02' model which I LOVE.  Gary has mentioned all the things Rexhall does that makes it an outstanding coach in my opnion. It will be truly a sad day if they indeed go the way of the dinosaurs. We looked at lots of different mfg's and Rexhall was our choice hands down.
Hey stranger......u gonna miss snowbirding this year? Yep....the Rexhall is performing flawlessly. Just wish we had more time to get out in it! How was hanging with the prez? Have you seen his coach! He probably doesn't get out in it enough either:)
Not sure about the snobirding this year.  I have thought about taking off sometime after the first of the year and driving to Arizona, and have Ann fly out for a week or so.  A lot will depend on how ugly the winter gets, and how claustrophobic I get living is this apartment.


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