Pullrite super glide

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Thinking on getting the Superglide hitch for my truck. Any feedback ( good and bad) would be appreciated. Thanks
Had one on a short bed DuraMax and loved it.  Had to buy an engine puller to offload when not using.
weewun said:
Had one on a short bed DuraMax and loved it.  Had to buy an engine puller to offload when not using.
  Same here, loved it. I got the super rails so I could remover the hitch and have a nice flat bed. I found it to be manageable to take in and out with one other person to help but it is heavy. It easily breaks down into sections to lighten the load a bit.
Make sure the nylon block at the front of the cam is tight.  Otherwise you may experience pretty violent chucking.
Pup said:
Thinking on getting the Superglide hitch for my truck. Any feedback ( good and bad) would be appreciated. Thanks

Not sure what part of the country you're from, but I have a very nice 18K pullrite autoslider for sale...Alabama. I have the Industry standard rails (less than a year old) and a new case of "Slip-Plate". I can send/post pics.

PM me if interested.
Thanks for all the input and Alabamian I am in N.C. but would be interested in your hitch if you think it would be feasible.
I have another question on this hitch. Anyone out there had to use the spacer to raise the hitch up?

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