purchasing first RV

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New member
Mar 20, 2013
We are looking to purchase our first RV and want to buy a Class A. I would like to solicit recommendations in the "used" $40,000 to $60,000 range. I will be towing a 1/2ton or lighter pickup into the Colorado and Tennessee mountains. We are also going to have to live in it in Kansas(cold winter) for the next year. It will be 2 adults and 2 50lb dogs. I am not married to any brand. Looking for quality,durability, and washer/dryer hookups. Would like to keep the length to a minimum.
Welcome to the RV Forum!

A half ton pick-up will weigh in around 5000-6000 lbs, so you need to be looking at diesel pushers to get sufficient towing capacity. Winnebago and Tiffin have some relatively short  ones, i.e. under 38 ft.
Here is one that is just outside your range.  Monaco makes a nice coach.

You should be able to buy a nice clean coach in that price range. Our friends just sold their 2000 Monoco Dynasty 40ft 2 slide coach in great shape for $5100.00. Good luck shopping.
Becks said:
You should be able to buy a nice clean coach in that price range. Our friends just sold their 2000 Monoco Dynasty 40ft 2 slide coach in great shape for $5100.00. Good luck shopping.

Dude I HOPE you dropped a zero otherwise I'm going to wish I'd seen that one!
To get a W/D, you're probably going to need to be at least 36' long.  As others said, you should have no trouble finding a nice diesel in that range.  I'm a little biased, but the Winnebago Journey and its twin sister the Itasca Horizon would fit the bill.  Make sure you check the towing capacity; some diesel pushers will have a 5K towing capacity, while others will have a 10K.  A 1/2 ton pickup is right around 5k lbs.
Definitly will need a diesel for the towing cap.

Check out PPL Motorhomes online for pricing ideas.

You will be very hard pressed to find w/d hook-ups in anything under 36'

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