Purchasing our first motorhome

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New member
Feb 9, 2013
  We are purchasing our first motor home. What are the positives and negatives of purchasing a 37 ft damon motor home?
Good morning and welcome to The RV Forum.

A 37ft anything should have lots of room inside.  That is a plus, for most of us. 

The longer they are the more camp sites it won't fit into.  Also, there is a lot of rear end behind the rear wheels.  This means the rear end will swing out when turning and can easily clip the car in the other lane, take out mail boxes and fence posts, etc.  However, it isn't as bad as it seems......... you just have to get used to it.

Most RVers will tell you to pay particular attention to floor plans.  Stand in the kitchen area and think through meal preparation. 

Check out our library, there is a lot of useful information there.

Welcome aboard!
My first reaction is Congratulations! The second is, positive or negative vs what alternative? A longer or shorter coach? A trailer? A different brand? Or maybe no RV purchase at all? Perhaps you could give us a little better idea of the type of feedback you desire.
Geo, get used to the length or the sound of things being hit? 

37' Damon, gas, diesel?  As Geo says, the longer ones have longer overhangs.  Wheelbase tends to be the same for a number of lengths.  Diesel has a lot less overhang, with a longer wheelbase.

Biggest thing to consider is the floorplan.  Make sure it fits you.  As to the campsites it will not fit in, don't be too concerned.  Unless you want the backwoods state parks.  We have a 35' coach and in all our travels have not had an issue.  Your travels may vary.

and to reiterate Gary, Pros and cons in which areas?
We did a lot of online shopping until we narrowed it down between four. Then we went to the dealers and put our feet in the motorhomes. Once we did this we knew as soon as we went into the one we purchased.  The quality of build was so much different between different manufactures. I am not going to tell you which models we looked at but do go and look at several coaches. You will be amazed at some of the differences.
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