QSL Cards

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
How many of you mail out QSL cards?
How many of you send reception reports to shortwave stations whose signal that you have been able to receive?
How many of you send reception reports to distant AM/Mediumwave stations whose signal that you have been able to receive?
How many of you have been able to receive signals of AM/mediumwave stations with very powerful transmitters from around the world?
WOW, it has been too many years. I'll bet I still have QSL cards in the attic as I am a minor horder.

OK, back when I was a a teen and total radio geek, Popular Electronics used to issue Short Wave Listener club callsigns  Mine was WPE1FKO.  They used the same districts as FCC for the number.  PE obviously their initials.

In those days I sent out reports and received cards in return.  Had many countries verified.  I did this while leading up to getting a real license at age 14.  (WN1BZY), and worked very hard sending and receiving QSL cards.  Well, that license expired and later on I earned another which I have kept active since abut 1978.  KA1FFJ then KD1MH and since earning Extra class, WA1RI.  (I better check, I may be coming up on renewal) 

So, from the point I earned my license and got on the air I have sent out, received QSL's.  Have a pretty good sized collection now.  I usually print my own based on recent activity. 

As to sending for reception reports, yes, and I try to be very good on this, as that was once me.  as WPE1FKO.  Funny how callsigns, like SS# and if you are old enough, yur military service ID, never go away.

PancakeBill said:
OK, back when I was a a teen and total radio geek, Popular Electronics used to issue Short Wave Listener club callsigns  Mine was WPE1FKO.  They used the same districts as FCC for the number.  PE obviously their initials.

and I have to get working to get my ham ticket back.  WN2RYK.

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