Quartzsite 06 Forum Floozie Input wanted

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Betty Brewer

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 10, 2005
Hello all fellow? Forum? Red Hatters,

I would like to hold an "event" for? the Red Hatters* during the? Quartzsite? Forum rally.? (*This means all women who? have? red head gear.) There is no membership? and any woman reading this is invited to participate.? ?In the past, we have held fashion shows, high teas and gone out to lunch.? ?For sure bring your red hat gear and give me your ideas as to an event you would like to see.? Shall we invite the guys to the event?? We do not pay dues, do not belong to any national? thing? and can make any rules we want.? The criteria is to be outrageous and do our thing without any restrictions. While I know we can not please everyone, everyone now has a a chance to give their say or forever go along with what the rest of us want to do !!! .? (including guys)?

Betty Brewer
A sometimes Organizer
Betty at one of the FMCA red hat meetings they gave a personality test. I found it very interesting and the results put you into a color category, red, yellow. orange and green. The program would have been just fine if they didn't have two women who bored you to death talking about the different personalities. In the possibility range for the future, I made copies enough for everyone to take the test and the color evaluations to go with it. It is fun and makes for good conversation if you want to do this at Quartzsite probably just for the ladies. But we can give the ladies copies to take back to their rigs to administer their own tests for their better halves. Marlene Dobrin 
Why in the world would we want to invite the guys to our Red Hat events???? Let them go sit somewhere and talk about holding tanks and sewer hoses while we go out to lunch.

BernieD said:
Betty at one of the FMCA red hat meetings they gave a personality test. I found it very interesting and the results put you into a color category, red, yellow. orange and green. 

I love the idea.  Do we need to provide pencils ?  Bring your survey and we can decide what to do with them at the time.  I have done this test before and found that I am a blue so I'll be happy to see these questions. 
wendycoke said:
Why in the world would we want to invite the guys to our Red Hat events?


Believe it or not the guys can be quite entertaining at a Red Hat event.  One year their talents with  sewer  hoses and sh** show-ers were the laugh of the party!  But alas the point is well taken.

We are having such a large group that I fear we might have a hard time finding a place to go out to lunch in this bustling little village.  I've had some input about making tea and having fancy cookies, scones etc.  Still planning.

I like the idea of high tea.

And it's always fun to laugh at the menfolk.....I seem to recall a trio in Moab who had us rolling on the floors.

? This sounds like a great idea to meet other women/floozies at the Forum Rally in Quartzite. The test sounds interesting and the tea would add a bit of class (just short of bringing the family china). I have no other suggestions at this point but will keep this in mind over the next couple of weeks.? ?I have been to 2 other Quartzite gatherings where the women gathered in their own circle anyway.? I hope we can make all women feel welcome - maybe bring an extra red hat or two.? I 'll bring along the Red Hat mystery that I am now reading.
This is my first posting on this Forum but my husband, Carl, is a RV Forum addict.? Looking forward to meeting other Red Hatters in Quartzite.
Cindy Lundquist
Cindy Lundquist said:
? This sounds like a great idea to meet other women/floozies at the Forum Rally in Quartzite. The test sounds interesting and the tea would add a bit of class (just short of bringing the family china). ? I hope we can make all women feel welcome - maybe bring an extra red hat or two.? I 'll bring along the Red Hat mystery that I am now reading.
This is my first posting on this Forum but my husband, Carl, is a RV Forum addict.? Looking forward to meeting other Red Hatters in Quartzite.Cindy Lundquist

Hi Cindy,

Nice to hear from you.  Yes we will make all  new RV Forum Floozies*  feel welcome.  Bring your tea cup and it's a good idea to bring extra red hats for those not yet convinced this is a fun idea. Girls just wanna have fun!!! (* We picked this name ourselves) Some get very creative and generous in our meetings.  We have laughs among our formal meetings and yet  do not take ourselves very seriously.  Life is short.  How about strawberries and champagne?

Betty, I am game for anything you plan it is always great fun.
I was certainly made to feel welcome in Moab with the Floozies. Wasn't sure I was going to go, not knowing anyone (and having seen what our non-RV Forum campground neighbors thought of Betty and the group!!!  but that's another story!!), but I was immediately included as one of the girls....even without a Red Hat (which I now have thanks to Wal-Mart's clearance sale). Life is good after 50, ain't it?

Fashion show sounds like fun if those who have some outrageous stuff would bring and model. Wouldn't even have to be red!

Maybe the men should do a show for us - but I know George wouldn't!
Count me in for the Red Hat event.

If men are invited, make them enter a bathing suit contest as the lunchtime or tea time entertainment.

Sharon Shepherd
At Quartzsite, nobody is made to do anything,
Anyone asking about group entertainment, be careful - you might just get what you ask for and you might be the entertainment. The entertainment coordinators at Moab, under the leadership of Calendar Girl (aka Betty), produced a great show. Photos are available in our photo gallery - click the Photos button above and select the Moab 2005 rally album.
I guess I better leave the forum posting to Smoky.? ?:D

Hope it is not too sexist to say I forgot to vote for lunch as opposed to high tea.

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