Quartzsite 2025 non-organized rally 18-26 January 2025

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think the original site is easier to park in with a view of the campfire. I personally find the original site easier to walk in, as I think the rocks are not as large and are more even in height. Nostalgia has me wanting to go back for at least one more time.
Right now I am sitting holed up in the motorhome with outrageous winds outside. We had to bring in a couple of slides! But the wind is supposed to die down from 35-40 mph gusts to the normal 20 mph in the next few hours, so we will be fine. There are a lot of broken tents in the areas, and even our almost invincible Clam shelter has a torn tie down that I will be fixing when the wind dies a bit. But I thought it was a good time to mention I added another activity to the list - a sewing tea time on Sunday afternoon, 19 January, 1-4. Bring a chair, a sewing machine (I have a table or two and extension cords), bring your handwork, or just come over and chat. In good weather we can be outside, if not we can meet inside my rig. And for Wednesday’s sturdy vehicle trip, I am thinking of the drive across the Yuma Proving Ground to Cibola National Wildlife Refuge and their hundreds of sandhill cranes plus thousands of other birds. The Proving Grounds have some absolutely beautiful desert spots.
Our plans have changed, we are hoping to stop by on the 27th for a few hours to say hi on our way home from California.
Will there be anything going on and what time should we try to be there? Thanks
Are there going to be any kind of flags or signs to help some of us who don't know the area to help us fine the gang? The Last Fling Bernie Fling
Signs like these are at the turn off Old Yuma Rd and the turns into our area. Not too big, but hopefully helpful.
Go Directions to the 2025 rally location post #5 to see picture of signs. Go to post #1 and #11 for directions to rally site.

Directions for 2024 followed by google map: Tom made a sticky
It's here

The 'long way' to find it:
  • Click Forums and select Rallies, Shows & Events.
  • Look under Sticky threads at the top of the list.
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Our plans have changed, we are hoping to stop by on the 27th for a few hours to say hi on our way home from California.
Will there be anything going on and what time should we try to be there? Thanks
Let me know what time you will be here and we will make sure we are around.
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Are there going to be any kind of flags or signs to help some of us who don't know the area to help us fine the gang? The Last Fling Bernie Fling
The little plastic signs will be at the turn off Old Yuma Rd and at the entry to the specific area. Look for the red motorhome.
The rally attendees now include Jennifer (ferfer) and Dan in addition to Steve (IBTripping) and Kevin and me. We are starting campfires tomorrow afternoon, assuming the wind and temps cooperate. I figure folks will gradually start showing up soon. The QIA Pow Wow, a huge rock and gem show, starts tomorrow while the RV show starts Saturday. We went to Parker today, and the Hi Jolly and Plomosa Road free 14 day areas have 3 times the number of people they did on Saturday.

ETA, bring a load of firewood if you can. Best place is Woodstock on W Main.
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Well it's bad news from us. The last bastion of defense you could rely on failed you.
All being well, we should be there on Thursday 16th.
Looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new.
Just got to get some beer or Kevin won't let us in😆😆
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