Quartzsite 2025 non-organized rally 18-26 January 2025

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Jan 16, 2025 . . .

Last year (Jan 17, 2024):

Two years in a row just before Quartzsite!

-Don- Auburn, CA
Yeah, I gotta stop spending the holidays with my sister and her extended family. Too many kids running around and I've come down with something two years in a row now.
Yeah, I gotta stop spending the holidays with my sister and her extended family. Too many kids running around and I've come down with something two years in a row now.
Or at least make sure you get a flu shot somewhere. I get mine every year--at the VA. But this year they ran out of the new covid vaccine and just a week or so later, I caught the covid. 2nd time. Mild both times, perhaps the flu would have been worse.

BTW, anything going on in if I am a week late to Quartzsite? Are the crowds still there? I will most likely be going that way and I can stop by Quartzsite next week some time.

-Don- Reno, NV
If you stop by here next week, the most exciting thing will be an opportunity to meet me and Diogi. :D:D:D
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We got here yesterday afternoon after a 6hr. Drive from Yuma. Half way here broke the fan belt unhooked Jeep and drive back to Yuma for parts and tools. No fun putting a belt on this V10 on the Side of the road. But all is good.
Wow, whatz up with this wind! We just arrived, sucks setting up in the wind. Hope to meet everyone tomorrow.
The wind was a Santa Ana and I am guessing 20-25mph gusting to 30+ when you arrived. I agree setting up in yesterdays wind (n). Today looking positive for campfire.
That will be exciting enough for me to stop by just to meet you and Diogi Doggy! I will be driving right past there anyway. How long will you be staying there in Q?

-Don- Reno, NV
To the about the 3rd week of February. UTTransplant (Kevin) talked me into going to the Death Valley Dark Sky Festival.
To the about the 3rd week of February. UTTransplant (Kevin) talked me into going to the Death Valley Dark Sky Festival.
That gives me plenty of time to meet you at Q. I expect to leave from Auburn, CA on perhaps this Sunday at the latest. Perhaps sooner.

Have you been to DV before? I have been there many times since the late 1960's, even in mid-summer on a motorcycle (when I was young and dumb), but there are still many places I never been to, such as the Racetrack:

-Don- Reno, NV
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SMR, let me know about what time you will be in so we make sure we’re around.
DonTom, we will be around until 30 Jan. Not sure what we will be doing after that. Maybe a few more days in Q, maybe heading down to Kofa. We will be heading to Death Valley mid-February, probably arriving there about a week before the Dark Sky Festival on 21-23 February. It is one of my favorite places, and we have spent a total of 8-10 weeks there over the years. Still more to see.
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The Pace and its companion, the Onan, are getting brand new oil and a lube job today. Hopefully the shop can also figure out why the compressor on AC #1 will not turn on. If all goes well, it's back to the SB to finish loading. Then it's possible we'll be on the road before the 1st.

We plan on taking I8 through Yuma as we head to Texas. However If anyone is planning on being at KOFA we'll take I10 to Q and connect via the 95 so we a join the party.
That gives me plenty of time to meet you at Q. I expect to leave from Auburn, CA on perhaps this Sunday at the latest. Perhaps sooner.

Have you been to DV before? I have been there many times since the late 1960's, even in mid-summer on a motorcycle (when I was young and dumb), but there are still many places I never been to, such as the Racetrack:

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-Don- Reno, NV
You should go. Rough road though.
KOFA is a large area with several unpaved roads along Az 95. The one Pam is referring to is King Road. It's about 20 miles east of Quartzsite. IIRC, you can only turn left. A Border Patrol station is also on Az95. If you see it you've gone too far. Turn around and head back about a mile.

Take King Road for about a mile. You'll likely pass RVers on both sides of the road. The area Pam is referring to is on your left. There are two entry points about 500 feet apart. The area can accommodate about 15 RVs. At least in the immediate area which is where you'll want to park if you plan on hanging around for a campfire or two.

There are no facilities at KOFA. It's strictly boon docking so empty your tanks if you're planning on going and staying for more than a few days.

If we go, I'd like to meet you and some of the other newbies that are in the area.
The one Pam is referring to is King Road.
I found King Road on my Windows 11 Maps. It is at US 95 &:

N33.26701°, W114.239006°

Since the road is unpaved, will my Class A, which has very little ground clearance, be okay?

Is there a place to dump at Q?

-Don- Reno, NV
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