Quartzsite 2025 non-organized rally 18-26 January 2025

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I would have to do it on a motorcycle. How many miles is the Racetrack from wherever? I am not even sure if I can do a round trip on my electric motorcycle. IIRC, it's many miles of rough road.

-Don- Reno, NV
83 miles but shows almost 3 hours duration from Furnace Creek.. 👀
I have never been to the KOFA, so please tell me about it, perhaps I will stop by there.

-Don- Reno, NV
We weren't far from main road. I much preferred it to Q. Maybe get your bike out to a few spots there although they're dirt too. I'll dig out a photo. Note Kevin Means made it into same area as us with his big Class A in 2022. Not sure what clearance he had.
OK. 2 photos. One shows 3 rigs. 2 5ers and our TT.

Other shows the road in and where someone had driven over the berm but that was about the height we had to go over if I recall correctly!

@TonyL Correct me if I'm wrong. You like doing that 😂😂

In the distance is the Grandstand Small dark rocks) where Steve is standing in previous pic.


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I would have to do it on a motorcycle. How many miles is the Racetrack from wherever? I am not even sure if I can do a round trip on my electric motorcycle. IIRC, it's many miles of rough road.

-Don- Reno, NV
The Racetrack in Death Valley is 26 miles of rough, 4WD dirt road from the Ubehebe Crater parking lot (end of pavement) to the Racetrack. Rangers warn against taking anything less than a high clearance 4WD there because some of the road passes over sharp shale rocks and the rest is washboard.
I assume you meant 20 (is actually 28) miles south of Quartzsite.

-Don- Reno, NV
You are correct. I've always thought Az 95 continued past I10. It doesn't. It ends in Quartzsite where it becomes US95.

Your class A should be find. Our class A is 36 feet long and we don't have any problems. The road has always been in decent shape when we drove to the site. There are dump stations in town.

If you plan on paying the fee for a 2 week permit at the long term visitors area, you can dump and get water at the across the highway from the Forum site. Otherwise there are sites where you can pay. The one we use is the RV Pit Stop. It's about a half a mile north of I10 on the east side of the main street which is N. Central or Az95. They also have water and propane.
This is how many men it takes to change a flat.
1 working, 2 supervising and 1 to take the picture. Pam was giving instructions.
Kevin's unfortunate tire problem on a trip out to Cibola20250122_103656.jpg
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You are correct. I've always thought Az 95 continued past I10. It doesn't. It ends in Quartzsite where it becomes US95.

Your class A should be find. Our class A is 36 feet long and we don't have any problems. The road has always been in decent shape when we drove to the site. There are dump stations in town.

If you plan on paying the fee for a 2 week permit at the long term visitors area, you can dump and get water at the across the highway from the Forum site. Otherwise there are sites where you can pay. The one we use is the RV Pit Stop. It's about a half a mile north of I10 on the east side of the main street which is N. Central or Az95. They also have water and propane.
That all sounds good. I will probably pay for the two weeks and only stay a few days--unless I decide to stay there longer. It's been around 20 years since I stopped in Q. but I have driven through it more times than I can count.

I plan on leaving via motorcycle for Auburn tomorrow. Reasonable weather over the summit. And then I will start getting the Class A ready, which I have not used since July.

-Don- Reno, NV
The Racetrack in Death Valley is 26 miles of rough, 4WD dirt road from the Ubehebe Crater parking lot (end of pavement) to the Racetrack. Rangers warn against taking anything less than a high clearance 4WD there because some of the road passes over sharp shale rocks and the rest is washboard.
Thanks for the info.

I will probably never see the Racetrack, but I can live with just the pictures of the place to satisfy my curiosity.

BTW, I have hiked to the bottom of Ubehebe Crater, just to see what the sign says on the bottom. Short but very difficult hike back up! I often made a progress of three feet to slide back down six feet! Very tiring for the short hike back up.

-Don- Reno, NV
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Kofa is a free area. You only need to pay for camping if you are in one of the LTVA areas. Kofa is definitely prettier than Quartzsite, but you are a long way from anywhere. It is >30 minutes to a store in Quartzsite and at least that to any place in Yuma. We have taken our Class A in there a number of times. Lots of great places for our UTV, and that’s what we will probably do. Plans are still a bit loose though so I can’t commit to a specific day.

As for Death Valley, Racetrack road can be so rough that only a 4x4 with serious ground clearance can make it. Other times I have seen it recently graded and a sedan handle it just fine. Always ask at the ranger station. Look for a post for another pop up rally associated with the Death Valley Dark Sky Festival 21-23 February.
That gives me plenty of time to meet you at Q. I expect to leave from Auburn, CA on perhaps this Sunday at the latest. Perhaps sooner.

Have you been to DV before? I have been there many times since the late 1960's, even in mid-summer on a motorcycle (when I was young and dumb), but there are still many places I never been to, such as the Racetrack:
First time at Death Valley and first time at Dark Sky. Looking forward to the adventure.
First time at Death Valley and first time at Dark Sky.
Be sure to fill up your gas tank and propane tank and buy anything you may need before getting to DV. Expect everything to be double the price of outside the park.

And the last time I was there, there was no data coverage, but there is cell phone coverage (Verizon). But you can get online at the motel at Furnace Creek which cost me $11.00 per day back in year 2020 and you have to be right at the motel to use it.

-Don- Reno, NV
It's the row of rocks and gravel along the side of the road. Created when the road graders smooth the road, the loose rocks that are removed pile up along the edge.
Well now I've learned something new.😀
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