quesions for correct type of motorhome for newbie

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New member
Feb 3, 2013
We presently pull a 28 foot travel trailer.  We do not like the length involved or the hitching and unhitching of the trailer.  We are looking at motorhomes, but have some questions.  We will be doing some vacation traveling out west for 2 to 3 weeks at a time.  We also do 3 week long mission trips where we stay in one place for the entire 3 weeks.  Since we don't like the length of pulling a trailer, we would prefer not towing a vehicle with a motorhome.  We are torn between a 31 foot Triple E Regency class B+, a 30 foot Newmar Baystar class A, and a 25 foot Winnebago View.  We feel that a class B is too small because we like to cook and also bring food from home so need a larger refrigerator.  We also would like a larger bathroom when we are at the 3 week long mission trips because then we need something more that feels like home.  So when we are out west, how do we manage the sightseeing part of the trip without a car?  Are the parking lots at the scenic sights big enough for  30 footers?  Can restaurant parking lots accommodate the 30 footers?  Can they accommodate the View?  On the mission trips, we need to take ladders and tools so we do need to have at least 50 feet of exterior storage.  We did consider that maybe we could buy a View and use a small storage container on the hitch for the tool storage for the mission trips.  But the larger motorhomes just have room for so much more in the basement area.  We also really like the increased interior storage in the larger motorhomes.  So I guess the question is, can the 30 footers handle a trip out west without a tow vehicle, or would we miss too much by the limiting factor of the size?
On the mission trips, we thought if needed, we could rent a car for the 3 week duration of the trip.

Sounds like you answered all your own questions. Sounds like an class A is what you need. A car rental would work if you dont want to tow a car. The only thing I might add to the conversation  is a slide out.  My 37g has one slide in the table/couch area. It adds a great amount of room to the kitchen area. I love it and wouldnt buy one without at least one slide. On the other side of the coin, the slide takes up quite a bit of my basement storage area where the slide comes in.  You will have to decide whether the added space in the living area outweighs the lost space in the basement. If you are used to towing, I wouldnt rule out a small enclosed trailer for your mission stuff. They are easy enough and light to tow. Get one with a power jack and you wont mind taking it off and on so much. Good luck and happy camping.
I came from a 20' Dodge Jamboree motorhome and hated it. Because every time you needed to go to the store or somewhere you had to pack up your entire camp and interior before you could roll on. With the 31' Jayco I got now I can hitch and unhitch in 5 minutes or so. I typically can leave my RV in the campground and just drive the truck to the store or sight seeing. As for storage I can leave my topper on the truck and have entire truck bed for storing goods, tools, etc. Or pull the topper off and load the ATV. This is why I did NOT opt for a 5th wheel because now I got even more storage and hauling capacity.

Motorhome are nice but don't give you transportation once home is setup. You would have to tow a toad (small car) behind it so once the RV is setup then you could use the car.
vjapeku said:
So when we are out west, how do we manage the sightseeing part of the trip without a car?
I have been full timing for 10 years without a car. I currently live in a 32 foot class A. When I set up in a campground or RV park the only thing I do is hook up power. I always shower in the campground shower. I usually dump my tanks and refill the water tank about once every two weeks. You did not say how many people are in your party. So with two people you would need to dump about once a week, if you had a class A. With a B or a small C your holding tanks are a lot smaller meaning you would dump and refill more often. I don't use jacks or levelers so when it is time for me to go I just unplug and move on out.
Are the parking lots at the scenic sights big enough for  30 footers?
There are many different size parking lots at scenic sights so no one answer will work. But in general most scenic sights do have RV parking.
Can restaurant parking lots accommodate the 30 footers?
Some can and some can't. However you can park any size RV at a Walmart parking lot and generally there are several restaurants in the area that you could walk to.
On the mission trips, we need to take ladders and tools so we do need to have at least 50 feet of exterior storage.
Class As have a lot more storage space than class B or C. I suggest you rent an RV for a weekend before you buy and see just how much stuff you can carry. If you rent a C then if it is too small you will need an A. If it is too large you will need a B.
So I guess the question is, can the 30 footers handle a trip out west without a tow vehicle, or would we miss too much by the limiting factor of the size?
Most people prefer to have a tow vehicle. I survive without one but having one would be nice. But for me it would not be worth the extra hassle. You can always get a bike carrier and haul two bikes around with you.
On the mission trips, we thought if needed, we could rent a car for the 3 week duration of the trip.
That is always an option. Some rental companies deliver to your door. In many areas there are buses. In many western National Parks there is a free shuttle service.
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