We presently pull a 28 foot travel trailer. We do not like the length involved or the hitching and unhitching of the trailer. We are looking at motorhomes, but have some questions. We will be doing some vacation traveling out west for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. We also do 3 week long mission trips where we stay in one place for the entire 3 weeks. Since we don't like the length of pulling a trailer, we would prefer not towing a vehicle with a motorhome. We are torn between a 31 foot Triple E Regency class B+, a 30 foot Newmar Baystar class A, and a 25 foot Winnebago View. We feel that a class B is too small because we like to cook and also bring food from home so need a larger refrigerator. We also would like a larger bathroom when we are at the 3 week long mission trips because then we need something more that feels like home. So when we are out west, how do we manage the sightseeing part of the trip without a car? Are the parking lots at the scenic sights big enough for 30 footers? Can restaurant parking lots accommodate the 30 footers? Can they accommodate the View? On the mission trips, we need to take ladders and tools so we do need to have at least 50 feet of exterior storage. We did consider that maybe we could buy a View and use a small storage container on the hitch for the tool storage for the mission trips. But the larger motorhomes just have room for so much more in the basement area. We also really like the increased interior storage in the larger motorhomes. So I guess the question is, can the 30 footers handle a trip out west without a tow vehicle, or would we miss too much by the limiting factor of the size?
On the mission trips, we thought if needed, we could rent a car for the 3 week duration of the trip.
On the mission trips, we thought if needed, we could rent a car for the 3 week duration of the trip.