Question on water regulator?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
I got a new water regulator.  This is the first one I bought that gives me the option to adjust the pressure.  What is a good number for water pressure for my MH?
It depends on how your RV is plumbed, if it is lower end RV plumbing using translucent PVC water hose, I would suggest nothing over 45 psi.  If it uses red and blue PEX pipe then 65 psi should be safe.
My RV is stickerd 45PSI max so I run 50 psi on the regulator ....

Only I stopped using them. I fill the on board tank and use it.. Last night it froze outside. but my hose. being full of air, did not freeze. and the on board behind heated. did not freeze. and that is not even the primary reason  But I got in the habbit of using the on board so.. I do.
Any late model RV was factory pressure tested to about 85 psi, per RVIA standards.  You can run at 60 or even 65 without concern and still have a solid safety margin. In most cases, 50-55 is plenty.  If you aren't getting adequate water flow at those pressures, the problem is constrictions in the plumbing (which includes the regulator itself) rather than pressure.

Many, many  years ago it was 65 psi and before that no test standard at all. You still see people advocating very low pressures like that, but it hasn't been necessary for a good 20+ years now.  However, RV water pumps typically come from the pump factory preset to 45 psi, a nice safe number that works for even on the oldest rigs.
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