R Vision Trail lite LIMP MODE OBD 1221

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Dec 27, 2012
Hi can anybody help me out there ?? we own an R Vision Trail lite 2001 with 8.1 Chevy Vortec engine on a workhorse chassis, The camper has been absolutely fine until i had to move it the other day and the Reduced power light appeared along with the Service now light. When i parked it up the previous time it was running great as i had just given it a run. I can now only get around 2000 rpm max i have pulled the codes from the OBD and they are 1120 1221 1515 the only thing i done differently when i started it when the fault occured was as soon as i put the ignition key in the ignition i started the camper rather than waiting for the self check cycle to complete,The fault code that will not clear at all is 1221
I don't have access to a manual for your chassis, so I don't know for sure. The codes you have posted appears to be for a throttle position sensor. How did you retrieve these codes? If you have a scanner, you can hook it up and see your tp sensor voltage. It should be .5 volt or less at idle, and increase with throttle applied. Test it with the engine off key on only. Check the ground strap on the left rear of the engine to ground.
Thanks for your suggestion i have the Snap On Ethos ill hook it back up and try also ill check the earth strap too,when you say throttle position sensor do you mean the one on the foot pedal or the one on the throttle body on the manifold intake. Thanks for your help talk soon and Happy New Year
The P1221 shows as "Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Low".  The 3rd code shows "DTC P1515 Electronic Throttle System Throttle Position".  Generally the TPS is located on the throttle body...but I have been known to have been wrong...according to my DW...lol
nordy650 said:
Thanks for your suggestion i have the Snap On Ethos ill hook it back up and try also ill check the earth strap too,when you say throttle position sensor do you mean the one on the foot pedal or the one on the throttle body on the manifold intake. Thanks for your help talk soon and Happy New Year
That would depend on where your tp sensor is located. I don't have access to the list of codes for your chassis. Throttle sensors are generally on the throttle body, unless it is a drive by wire. I dought if yours is a drive by wire though. You need to erase the codes and see if they come back. Your scanner should show you what the voltage is on the tp sensor. Key on engine off, go to the line on your scanner and see if the voltage changes with position. I bought a chassis book for my coach on e-bay, tremendous help.
disconnect the battery for a minute or so and it will be fixed.  You will have to reset the radio though.  It happened to me once and that cured my issue.  My 2 cents worth.

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