Raising head of bed

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2018
East Texas
Doc thinks i need to raise the head of my bed about 3 inches since i cough at night.  But RV beds dont have frames so not that easy to just put a block on the leg.  How would i do this and not have a void space under the box spring.  Yes i have a box spring also, it makes it easier for me to get out of bed.
I have to do the same with my bed frame (raise 3?). Simplest for RV bed I would think is get 3 or 4 4x6 and rip them down to the height you want at top (3?) and then plane a smooth angle in them.  Insert length ways between box spings and bed frame. Be kinda like bed slats but running in opposite directions.
Usually the box spring or mattress is sitting on a piece of plywood, either with or without a hinge to access the underbed storage.

Unscrew the plywood and remove to expose the perimeter frame.  Extend the frame upwards by diagonally ripping a 2x4 so you have a 3 1/4 inch rise at one end and 1/4 inch at the other.  Attach these to the bed frame so the head is higher than the foot.

Rip another 2x4 as needed to run crosswise at the head and foot, and along the hinge if needed.  Now bolt the plywood back into place.
My wife has breathing problems and coughs in her sleep. We purchased this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D722MVP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and she uses it under her pillows to raise her head. Works great for her.
Robert Beckner said:
My wife has breathing problems and coughs in her sleep. We purchased this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D722MVP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and she uses it under her pillows to raise her head. Works great for her.

My wife had one of those after her heart surgery.  It helped her a lot. 
Unfortunately, at one point in her recovery, she got bored and spent several hours over a couple of days decorating the pillow with colored fabric markers.  Now she doesn't want to get rid of it, even though she no longer uses it.  It's a PITA to find a place to put that big old pillow now that it's no longer on the bed.
Old_Crow said:
My wife had one of those after her heart surgery.  It helped her a lot. 
Unfortunately, at one point in her recovery, she got bored and spent several hours over a couple of days decorating the pillow with colored fabric markers.  Now she doesn't want to get rid of it, even though she no longer uses it.  It's a PITA to find a place to put that big old pillow now that it's no longer on the bed.

Would she be interested in giving it to someone who could really benefit from it?  Recycle for a good cause.
Rene T said:
Would she be interested in giving it to someone who could really benefit from it?  Recycle for a good cause.

No, she's not ready to part with it.  ::)  I'll admit, I dragged it out last winter when I sprained my ankle out in the desert at Quartzsite. 
When it's ready to go, it'll probably go to Good Will or the Salvation Army.  We don't just throw stuff like that in the dumpster.
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