Rattle inside 34750 surge guard

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Iron Horse

Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
Chesterfield, Virginia
We purchased a 34750 surge guard protector from CW in 2007. It has saved our electronics several times from over/under voltage, once in Va. beach and again in Fla. I have noticed a rattle inside and has become more pronounced lately. It has long been out of warranty. I decided to open it up and see what it was. I found two screws, two flat washers and two plastic spacers. They appear to have been the mounting screws for the large relay inside. I'm glad I found them since they could have floated around and shorted out the protector. I have handled this piece of equipment very gently since I've had it. Looks like poor workmanship or rough handling. The relay is the size of your fist and probably weighs a pound. It has four mounting screws, flat washers and spacers (two of which are now gone). The plastic mounting posts are also broken off and gone. Do you think I could JB Weld the relay into position?
Little Bill
I keep saying many RVers have a few screws loose.... Now you have one (perhaps more since I'm sure you checked the rest of them) Less. :)

By the way, A lot of folks agree with me on that, but we disagree on the kind of screws.
JB Weld should do it.  Personally I don't like surge guard, their lack of quality or their lack of customer service.
Thanks for the reply. Since these units are made in Honduras I guess it tells the tale. While it has protected my MH several times I can't complain. I will try the JB weld and see if it continues to protect it. Be glad when the technologies return to the good ol' USA.
Little Bill
John From Detroit said:
I keep saying many RVers have a few screws loose.... Now you have one (perhaps more since I'm sure you checked the rest of them) Less. :)

By the way, A lot of folks agree with me on that, but we disagree on the kind of screws.

Well said!  I have had said to me why the heck I have a TT parked in the middle of the woods without even running water?  I tell them "To get away from the Rat Race!"  They still don't get it.  I don't care what kind of screws are loose!  I like having loose screws.
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