Re-seating the toilet after flooring change

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Aug 2, 2011
I'm planning on installing Allure Ultra in my TT this spring (if that day ever comes to Iowa this year). I also plan on pulling the toilet to go under it vs cutting around it. My question is, will the foam ring/seal be thick enough to still give a good positive seal when I re-seat it? That Allure Ultra is almost 1/4" thick. I'll also change out the valve on the back of the toilet while I've got it out just leaks a little with initial water pressure at almost every hook up. Trying to order parts so when better days do come, I can get out there and knock it out.

Thanks in advance,

There probably isn't a foam or wax seal under your toilet, but you will have no trouble seeing how to reinstall it once you get it out.  You may have to add a seal of some sort if you are raising it that high. 
I used a similar product. 

Removed the toilet and replaced the seal in the bottom of the bowl while I was at it.  Mine had a foam seal. I replaced it and it sealed just fine.
I would be seriously surprised if there was no seal on the bottom of the toilet.
The first question has to be  "What toilet make & model?" Unlike residential plumbing, the connection to the black tank plumbing through the floor is not strictly standardized, so each toilet may differ a bit.
I just did this, myself. The local RV place had a foam gasket that worked with all models from my toilet manufacturer. It was like $2. I'd replace it anytime you removed the toilet for any reason.

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