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Well-known member
May 30, 2018
Central NY in summer beautiful Casa Grande AZ in w
SO I was thinking about what we could discuss in under the shade tree because after all it is a "Freewheeling non-RV discussion over coffee, under the shade tree, or around the campfire."
I did have a gin and tonic in hand as I was thinking
First I thought we could compare boxer versus briefs but that would leave most of the women out.
That led me to Bras pro or con and what kind but I knew (I had not drunk much yet) that someone would be offended.
I strayed to other things which I will not put down on paper.
But I settled on

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGE and what beverage makes you do or think strange things.
For me as you can see Gin and Tonic fills the bill twice for me
I love green tea, i go through about 3 gal a week.  I used to only drink diet normal tea but for some reason green tea goes better with the cookies i like lol

I gave up alchohol along time ago in my late 30's, just got tired of how it made me feel run down all the time.
LOL!  I used to be a big fan of Tanqueray gin and Schweppes Bitter Lemon, but over the last decade I've become a beer lover.  It started with the craft beers in Washington state when we spent two summers workkamping there in 2006-2007 and grew into a preferred beverage.  Can't say it ever made me do or think strange things, though.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
LOL!  I used to be a big fan of Tanqueray gin and Schweppes Bitter Lemon, but over the last decade I've become a beer lover.  It started with the craft beers in Washington state when we spent two summers workkamping there in 2006-2007 and grew into a preferred beverage.  Can't say it ever made me do or think strange things, though.

I am sorry for you then
Water, coffee, milk- coffee first thing in the morning and after breakfast, OJ and milk with breakfast, water off and on all day, milk (or occasionally iced tea) with lunch and dinner. Perhaps a beer with a pizza, or maybe a margarita with Mexican food.
I got to have my one cup of fresh ground coffee beans every morning. It is my own special blend.
My next favorite is plain natural spring water that bubbles out of our back yard mountain paradise.
Then each evening one glass of wine, margarita, or "pain killer".
Pain Killer being the favorite, but the least available since so much goes into the prep.
My days of singing "M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E " on top of a table ended when I left the work force many moons ago!

Jack L
I enjoy beer, red wine, Prosecco, scotch and a new cocktail my wife made for me the other night. A Manhattan of sorts made with brandy and triple sec. Two of those and I barely remember going to bed. There was one time when I was TDY to Holloman AFB I drank 3 bottles of MD 20/20 ( we called it vision wine). I was informed the next morning I did some crazy stuff.
Hahaha - I can't wait to see where this post goes!

My days of doing strange things are gone. Thinking strange things? I'd have to think about it.

I'm a beer guy - never liked hard liquor much. I'll drink swill in the dog days of summer (Coors light, Labatt Blue light, etc.) but I love trying all kinds of craft beers from light and fruity to dark and heavy. Whenever we're in a new restaurant in a new town I always ask "what beer have you got that's local?". I also like a good red wine but don't indulge in that much. On the nonalcoholic side, I'm a Diet Pepsi addict. I'm weening myself though from 3 or 4 per day to just a couple a week. Never liked coffee much...well hate it, to tell the truth. Can't even stand the smell!
I like a cold beer, preferably dark, at the end of the day. An amber rum (Appleton's) over ice won't be turned down though. A glass of red wine is nice with dinner but I don't indulge it. I stay away from tequila and saki (don't ask).
I quit drinking alcohol when I worked as a part-time bartender and saw the strange things it allowed other folks to do. My beverage of choice for years now has been black coffee (Folgers Half-Caff preferred) with one pink packet of sweetener. I average around 6-7 cups a day and do some things I'm sure other folks find strange, but it isn't the beverage causing it... ;)
Sorry, Darsben, don't mean to be super-critical, but that may be the most non-descriptive subject line I've seen on this forum in 25 years of participation. 

Well my drink of choice is Mt Dew....I start my day with one and drink them all day long. I even take my evening pills with one before going to bed......Yes I know they are not good for me and I should stop drinking them. But I hate coffee.

I don't think anything makes me do strange things...Unless you call falling asleep strange. But my drink of choice is Maker mark 86 or Wild Turkey rare breed.
"I like beer. It makes me a jolly good fellow."
Craft beers mostly. I enjoy an occasional Grey Goose martini, very dry, with 3 blue cheese stuffed olives but those are rare anymore. Age related I guess.
Water! I drink water all day long.
2-3 cups of coffee every morning!
Good topic darsben
Coffee in the AM fresh ground and brewed, Beer for lunch usually an IPA, and Stingers in the PM (Cognac and white creme de menth about three to one for me) or Red Wine; but none to where I do funny things; usually! :D ;D


Dos Equis Amber is good with Mexican!
I don't like coffee and I avoid most caffeine except chocolate. I drink mostly water in warm weather and a lot of hot tea in cold weather. Being a single mom to 6 kids, I don't often drink alcohol, so pretty much anything goes right to my head, but I do enjoy wine, an occasional beer, or a mixed drink.
Ernie n Tara said:
Dos Equis Amber is good with Mexican!

And with pizza; and with barbecue - my second choice of beverage -

But after a pint of Guinness, I start speaking with a brogue...    :eek: ::) ;D
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