Reading suggestions

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Jan 30, 2013
I'm looking to some literature on purchasing a rv and rv-ing ing general.  I came across the book rv buyers survival guide edition III; has anyone read this book?  Would anyone recommend it?  Is there any book I should read as a novice rv-er?

Not familiar with the book, but it probably couldn't hurt.  However, the expertise hanging out on this forum could probably write a collective book with far more information (I'm not one of the experts).  Check out the "Resources" section on the forum and ask your specific questions and I'll betcha we can get you in an RV you can enjoy very soon without breaking the bank.
IMHO any book is out of date the day it's published and only one or two peoples opinions. The advice you find here is from many people with virtually every background you can imagine. Some opinions voiced are worth exactly what you pay for them, others are priceless. Only you can decide which is which for your personal situation.

On this forum are hundreds of people who have all purchased an RV. Some experiences were good, others bad. There are millions of miles of road experience, and thousands of years of RV usage in an interactive format which you can query and then after receiving multiple replies you can fine tune a follow up question to get exactly the bit of information you need. Please note, it's not always the answer you want, but it's probably the correct answer to your question.

The best source of information about a particular item is someone who uses it. A salesman watches them go thru the lot and tells you how he thinks it works. An owner pushes the button and troubleshoots it when pushing the button doesn't produce the desired result, then pays for the repair or the parts to do it himself. Who's "book" do you want to read?

Join the forum, read the past posts, ask questions about your specific needs.

Just my opinion, and I've been wrong before.


PS Molaker is too modest. But don't tell him I said so.  ::)
I bought a couple RV books when I first got started, and have barely ever cracked the cover on either one.  Once I discovered this forum, I never left.  ;) 

Everything you need to know is probably already here in the archives, but even better are the interactive conversations you can get going at any time on any RV-related topic you can imagine.
Haven't read it. The description sounds as though it is strictly about the buying process, i.e. negotiating the sale. Perhaps useful in saving some bucks (assuming you buy from a dealer), but choosing the right RV for your needs is the more difficult chore and has the largest long term effect. And that is followed by the new experience of actually using an RV
We read some things like that before we bought four years ago. Any input seemed to be helpful in sensitizing us to the issues and important considerations.  Lots of shopping helped us, too. However, renting an RV and doing it, were probably the biggest help as far as practical concerns. RV Consumer Group has some literature that talks about issues, although asserting their own particular opinion. I think someone in another recent thread mentioned an RV for Dummies book, as well.

Some further ruminations: The main safeguard, IMO, is to have an expert RV person, whom you trust, thoroughly inspect what you buy before money changes hands. Get everything in writing, including the right to cancel everything if you aren't satisfied with the inspection. Try to get at least a short warranty if it is a used RV.  It is NOT like buying a car.
I bought and read this:

The Kindle version was only $2.99.  It was a quick read.  I would give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.  I was completely new to the process, and was reading anything I could get my hands on, as I knew NOTHING.  A lot of the stuff was common sense, but I really liked the checklist of how to go through a used MH before buying.  That was worth the $2.99 to me. 

However, since then, I've found almost all the same info by Googling, reading forums such as this one, magazines, etc.  Some other poster was very correct in saying that the owners, with the hands-on experience, are your best resource.  I've only had my unit a few months, and the learning curve has been enormous.  My guess is that's everyone's experience, whether a rookie or an expert, buying used or new. 

Good Luck!
Well you doing one thing your reading this site!  8)

I think the best teacher is finding the threads and post of mistakes of other RV owners and then you'll learn from their mistakes. Like if you hunt around the site here you'll hear about tales with sewer hoses, leveling, etc. The list goes on. After purchasing my travel trailer I sat down at the computer and started reading over all the forums till I landed here. I would say I learned more from the folks on a forum than a book you can buy in a store.  ;D
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