Real cool pedometer app for Android

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
I just discovered my new favorite app for my Nexus 4. It is called My Tracks from Google (who else?). It is like a pedometer on steroids. Not only does it track your movements but then it gives you a list of stats and the ability to keep a running total. It has a number of other cool features such as elevation profile and the ability to email your map and stats or share them on social media. It is free at the Google Play store.

Name: 2/26/2013 8:36AM
Activity type: -
Description: -
Total distance: 2.60 km (1.6 mi)
Total time: 45:27
Moving time: 43:39
Average speed: 3.43 km/h (2.1 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 3.58 km/h (2.2 mi/h)
Max speed: 8.10 km/h (5.0 mi/h)
Average pace: 17.47 min/km (28.1 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 16.78 min/km (27.0 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 7.41 min/km (11.9 min/mi)
Max elevation: 15 m (50 ft)
Min elevation: -16 m (-52 ft)
Elevation gain: 68 m (222 ft)
Max grade: 0 %
Min grade: 0 %
Recorded: 2/26/2013 8:36AM

Check out RunKeeper.  Great for walking, running or biking.  Keeps track of all the info, reports via time or distance if you want.  Draws a map of your route.  Keeps track of your walking or running on their website so you can log in and look at your past results.  Also FREE.
You might also enjoy MapMyHike, AllTrails, and North Face Trailhead. BTW, Tom, sounds like you're enjoying that Smartphone that you didn't think you wanted ;)

Lake Havasu City Elks
Wendy said:
BTW, Tom, sounds like you're enjoying that Smartphone that you didn't think you wanted ;)
Nope, I always wanted one. I didn't want to have to sign a two year contract and I would not spend $80 per month on one. Once the contract free smart phones were available at $30 a month I went right out and got one. But I still only use it about 10% as much as most people do. The main use is timing my chicken on the grill 8)
SeilerBird said:
Once the contract free smart phones were available at $30 a month I went right out and got one.

Hmmmm, I'm interested. Where did you find this kind of deal?

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