Recommendations at Custer State Park?

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Feb 22, 2013
Hello all... just finishing up plans for our big trip west (yellowstone, deadwood, mt rushmore, custer state park) - our first big trip in our new Coachman (29ft TT).  I was about to make my reservations at Stockade Lake North, when I thought "you better as all your new friends over at the RV Forum" first. 

We are not at all married to staying near or on a the lake.  What is most important to us is the views, nature and some privacy.  We will have our 1 year old lab mutt with us.  Any recommendations on any of the MANY Campgrounds in Custer State Park?  We will be staying for 3-4 nights and using it as our base to explore the surrounding areas.

Thanks in advance!  I am getting SO excited... can you tell?

When we stayed in the area, we stayed at a campground in Hermosa South Dakota. Nice park and cheap as it was a Passport America campground. We used it as a base for sightseeing the area. On that point, I highly recommend Wind Cave National Park and Lake Sylvan as things to see and do. The road through the park, Needles Hwy, is great for viewing but a bit tight for big units. Shouldn't be a problem for you. The evening show at Mt Rushmore is also excellent.

When you go down to the Cave of the Winds plan on visiting Hot Springs Mammoth Site for a fascinating look at a paleontology research site.

I don't know when you will be there but beginning in early July there will be a lot of local activities in most f the surrounding communities.
One time to avoid the Blk Hills is during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally the first part of August.
Becks said:
One time to avoid the Blk Hills is during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally the first part of August.
Another time is during the Buffalo roundup in late September - unless attending is your goal.
We actually changed the dates of our trip so that we were not there during Sturgis LOL...  We will in Custer State Park the last week of July, so we are good to go.  Have any of you actually stated IN Custer State Park?  If so, which CG and what did you like or dislike about it.  Thanks for the suggestions of what to see/do, I have copied them all into my travel book  :) So I won't forget them.  You guys are great!
The week before the rally is becoming very popular with bikers to avoid the crowds. If you don't have reservations I would suggest you hurry. When we were there two years ago Main Street in Custer was blocked off for the week before bike week for bike parking. And that is 80 miles or so from Sturgis!
careybeth said:
Have any of you actually stated IN Custer State Park?


Sorry no one has actually answered the question you asked. And I'm afraid I've never stayed in Custer SP either. I have visited it and it is wonderful. If you go to and look under Custer, you will find several, reviews of the different CGs in Custer SP. most of the reviewers seem to really love them, even though none appear to have anything more than electric hook ups.

Hopefully someone with actual experience will chime in.
The Search button in the toolbar above finds a number of reports on camping at Custer.
Thanks Scott - that is what I did, and found what I needed.

Tom - I always search FIRST before I start a new thread... You are right, lots of posts about Custer, but only found one actual recommendation of a campground inside the park.  Interesting reading though and got lots of tips. 

We made our reservations and are set to go. 

Thanks all! 
We just reserved a site at Custer's Gulch Campground which is 2-1/2 miles east of Custer. The park is about 5 miles further east. We stayed there in September of 2011 and it was great. You can read our review on their website. We really liked it, but like everything, the cost has increased since we were there. Its a great base for all of the Black Hills area. We even made a day trip to Devils Tower from there with our toad. (96 miles one way).

You will LOVE the Black Hills. Don't forget to see Badlands Naional Park, just south of Wall Drug and about 50 miles east of Rapid City.
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