Rent a mobility lift?

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Frank B

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
Calgary, Alberta
We are considering taking my 88 yr old mother with us one more time on a vacation in our trailer, which is quite tall.  She cannot really get up those 3 big steps anymore, not even with the big hoop handle mounted on the outside.  My wife and I don't need a mobility lift ourselves.

Is there any such thing as a rentable, temporary mobility lift that we could take with us, and which does not require installation on the side of our unit?

I would consider something that might mount on our 1 ton pickup, as I could use that for loading the pickup the odd time that I would need it, but prefer something that would be for a 'one time' use that we could rent and return.



I dont think youre going to be able to rent a lift, because of how it has to be anchored to the trailer for both power and stability. However, there are ramps you can get that might be easier for her to walk up, or to go up in a wheelchair.

You can rent RVs with lifts attached though, which might be an option for a one time adventure. Or rent an ice fishing house, which lowers to ground level.
Try calling around to medical supply places. If they have these in the US, they would know where you could get them.
Harbor Freight has a low platform cart that has a lift.

Just thinking out of the box.

Good Luck.

Great minds, I was just looking up Harbor Freight to see what they had.
Bill and Caryl:

Interesting ideas!  At least those would be affordable to buy outright, and would be useful for other projects at other times.  I can see it working for putting heavier items in the back of my truck instead of using a crane / winch system which are common for loading pickups.

The scissor-lift table would need some 'outriggers' installed for stability, and some sort of grab handle for the passenger, but I have a welder.

Yeah, interesting idea for temporary use!

Thanks again!

Could you make or buy a set of temporary steps with much lower step heights?
After you craft something from these great ideas, please post a picture.  There are / and have been others that are looking for a low cost way to assist elderly and special needs people into their RV.  Make sure you add some kind of safety strap, ya don't need moma falling off  :eek:.  And ask her what she thinks of your idea, prior to crafting it, because we all know how that sometimes goes.  Good Luck, great ideas.
SpencerPJ said:

After you craft something from these great ideas, please post a picture.  There are / and have been others that are looking for a low cost way to assist elderly and special needs people into their RV.  Make sure you add some kind of safety strap, ya don't need moma falling off  :eek:And ask her what she thinks of your idea, prior to crafting it, because we all know how that sometimes goes.  Good Luck, great ideas.

Yeah, we do indeed know how that goes!  ;D

In fact, it may never get beyond the suggestion stage.  We'll be seeing her next week, and that will determine things.  In some cases, momma just doesn't want to do much of anything anymore.  We get tired as we get older, so the whole idea of a trailer trip may be too much for her period....

Here is a link to the lift and a picture.

The wheels have a lock and you could extend the handrail higher.



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Thanks for that link.  Looks like a good unit, but it is single scissor and will only reach to 27.5".  Our unit is very tall, and I need 36" of height, which the other unit linked by Caryl will reach.


Yes, a set of shallower steps might also do the trick, and I have been looking at those for a while -- even for ourselves.
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