Replace any living room slide rollers?

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New member
Dec 24, 2013
Has anyone ever had to replace any slide rollers? I have one that needs replaced as a couple ball bearings came out as I retracted the slide today.

I need suggestions if anyone has replaced any of these.


1999 DSDP 3858 with Cat 3126, Allison MD3060, 72k miles.
2008 Smart Car Passion ForTwo Toad.
First, I have not done this but this is my recollection of what I was told by someone who has, so I can't vouch for this procedure but it seems plausible.

Extend the slide a little past halfway. Outside, measure the distance from the outside slide flashing to the side of the coach, cut two 2x4's to that length and insert between the flashing and the coach body, one on each end of the slide towards the top of the slide. You may need helpers to hold them in place. Then, retract the slide. As is retracts the top won't be able to move so the bottom will lift off the floor. When it has lifted a couple inches, stop moving the slide and you will be able to access the rollers.

Newmar put a screw on the slide "ramp" in exactly the wrong spot so it chews up one of my rollers. I have a spare roller but haven't tried the procedure yet.

Again, I'm not promising this will work, or that it's safe. But as I look at the slide it seems like it would work.

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