replacing micro use locktite on bolts?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2014
Full time USA
I need to replace our over the range micro/convection oven (under warranty) should I use locktite on the bolts to keep them from coming out during travel?


If you do make it green. Not red or blue.

Question: did the original bolts come out??? did they have evidence of locktite on the threads?

But it does not hurt to use Green just to be sure.
I suspect you mean PURPLE.

Green is the "wicking" locktite, meant to apply after the hardware is torqued, and requires heat to remove according to the mfg.
Blue is heatless-removal. "Normal" locktite.
Purple is "small screw", easier to crack loose than blue. also good for soft-metal hardware.
Red requires heat and tools to remove.
Someone makes a GREEN thread locker that is used for bearing mounting and is not wicking.  I can't remember the brand but I've used it before.
thanks for the info- I will use the thread lock, it will make me feel better about the bolts not coming out
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