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We have a 2013 Laredo 329RE and want to put in more comfortable recliners and replace the hide-a-bed sofa with an air mattress sofa. Anyone have any suggestions as to best place to look? Thanks
Hi, we just came from an RV show in Minnesota today. we wanted new recliners also,, so we asked one of the salemen where to buy some. He told us we would be better off going to a large furniture store, as the shipping would be too high from a dealership... so that is what we did.
Drove over to the LazyBoy store and bought a nice recliner with a LIFETIME warranty.... very happy. Good Luck
I forgot to add that the saleslady told us they get a lot of RV 'rs coming in for this particular recliner. They are small enough to go thru the door and are very comfortable....
+1 on the shipping consideration. You may find it online at a discount, but that can quickly get absorbed with freight charges. If you do go the furniture store route, a lot of newer recliners come in 2 pieces now, with the top separated from the bottom. Much easier to get through the door and assemble it once inside the coach. Keep us posted on which route you go and good luck!
Chaparral Lite - Did you find that the flooring continued where you took out the sofa and replaced with recliners? How is the sofa held in place? Thinking of a reno, but can't look at my trailer as it's in winter storage and inaccessible right now. Thanks for any tips!
If you are looking for comfortable recliners, don't limit yourself to RV furniture. We replaced our recliner with a Stressless piece by Ekornes. It isn't inexpensive but it is simply the most comfortable chair we have ever owned in an RV or our s&b. My DW was so jealous of "my chair" that we replaced the sofa with a Stressless sofa a few months later.
if you have a rear living area with rear door, do you need a special recliner that fits in that area when then slide is in? We just bought a 2004 Kestone 29Rlk and it has 2 chairs but not recliners and we may choose to get couple recliners.