Resurrecting a 1986 Fleetwood Southwind... need wiring diagrams...

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May 31, 2018
I'm looking for the wiring diagram for a mid-1980s Fleetwood Southwind.  I'm resurrecting one and there's a lot of the low voltage (DC) stuff that just does not make a lot of sense - including the 15-20 house circuit fuses under the hood.

My unit was sold as a 1986 (built in Oct of 1985), but from what I can figure out there wasn't a lot of differences in the DC wiring between the 1983-1988 Fleetwood models. 

I'm located in the southern California area and should it be necessary I have access to copying systems that can handle anything up to 3-foot wide ("D" size) prints.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Try calling Fleetwood. They have really been good to me with my Motor home.

Are you talking on a P-30 chassis?
If so I do have a chassis manual for that era. It does not include the panel you talk about.  If you want a copy please send me a good email address using the private mail system here.
If a P-30 I certainly can take pictures of the wiring in the panel you talk about. However I will not have access to the unit for about a 7-10 days  as it is in getting new brake lines
I knew I had one  ;D :))
I found an electric distribution panel schematic for my 1990 built on an 1989 chassis.
PM me if you want that as well

I also have the owners manual which should be similar to yours. Not much info but some general info

PM me if you want that as well
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